雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 4 天前 · 美术馆从2001年起开业至今,里面展示过许多吉卜力工作室作品的各类作品。. 吉卜力工作室正是宫崎骏奉献了其一生的地方,也是制作出了《天空之城》《龙猫》《魔女宅急便》,以及最近上映的《你想活出怎样的人生》等作品的动画工作室。. 它还是日本动画 ...

  2. 2024年4月2日 · 小野川遊船. 地址:千葉縣香取市佐原 1-1730-3(乘船處位於伊能忠敬舊宅前樋橋) 官網: http://www.kimera-sawara.co.jp/business/boat.html. 營業時間:每日約 10:00 至 16:00(依季節不同提早結束) 價格:成人 1,300 日圓;小學生 700 日圓. 佐原景點推薦:至伊能忠敬舊宅及紀念館遙想偉人當年. 走訪佐原,不能不認識這位精準描繪日本地圖的第一——人伊能忠敬。

  3. 2024年4月16日 · MOA美术馆. 坐上清晨早班的列车,途经神奈川县,一路飞驰可以轻松抵达热海站。 列车前进方向右侧窗边的座位可以看到富士山,左侧靠窗的位置在后半程可以看到大海,可以根据自己的喜好选择座位。 如果能在9点20到达热海站,就可以在出站后直接来到巴士站搭乘9点25分发车前往MOA美术馆的巴士,从这最热门的景点开启一天充实的行程。 MOA美术馆(MOA Museum of Art)由日本艺术家冈田茂吉于1982年创立,在2016-2017年间经历了一次翻修。 美术馆立于一处高地之上,可以俯瞰远方的大海。 而进入美术馆后,将继续向上爬升,所以除了欣赏艺术作品,也是欣赏热海美景的绝佳取景处。

  4. 2024年4月3日 · John Rucynski is an English teacher, writer, and editor who has been living in Japan for over 20 years. He is currently based in the Kansai region and has vowed to stay until his beloved Hanshin Tigers finally win the Japan Series again. When he isn't working, he loves exploring Japan on foot and by bicycle.

  5. 2024年4月10日 · Koko-en Garden, immediately west of Himeji Castle, is a Japanese garden divided into nine sections, each in a different style. The garden opened in 1992, incorporating the site of the former western residence of the castle lord and numerous samurai residences. The layout matches that of the historical residences and walled streets between them ...

  6. 2024年4月3日 · Sword Making Sumo Tokyo Day Trips. Above: The ceremonial roof of the Kokugikan Arena. Tokyo's Ryogoku district is closely associated with sumo, but there's plenty more to see and do here in this traditional area of downtown Tokyo. Mark Schreiber leads a route to the Sumo Museum, Sword Museum, Hokusai Museum and some unusual dining experiences.

  7. 2024年4月11日 · Over the centuries tsumugi silk has been produced in most regions of Japan. As a result of modernization, however, the labor-intensive folkcraft has died out in many areas. Two places well-known today for continuing to produce tsumugi silk using traditional methods are the Okinawa island of Kumejima and the Ibaraki town of Yuki. Kumejima Tsumugi.

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