雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Ms Hon is currently the Director of Services of the EAA and has been serving in this post for the past eight years. She has also been appointed as the Acting CEO of the EAA since January 2014. Prior to her career with the EAA, Ms Hon spent 20 years as a practising solicitor.

  2. Disciplinary Committee. 紀律委員會. 現任成員如下︰. 主席︰. 周偉信教授. 成員︰. 張天任資深大律師. 鄭定寕工程師. 趙錦權先生.

  3. 監管局歡迎新任主席及成員. (2020 年10 月30 日)地產代理監管局(「 監管局」)歡迎政府今日宣布委任廖玉玲女士JP( 見附圖)接替梁永祥教授SBS,JP 於2020 年11 月1 日起出任監管局董事局主席。. 監管局同時歡迎政府委任蕭澤宇先生BBS,JP,於同日起出任監管局董事局副主席 ...

  4. 師學會現任產業測量組主席該會前任會長吳恆廣 先生BBS向從業員講解香港的土地制度和政策當 日共有三百多名從業員出席講座反應熱烈在講座中吳先生首先回顧香港的土地租用制度再從批租年期地契類別和土地用途等各方面介紹

  5. 在香港,業主普遍會透過地產代理將物業出租。. 以下是透過地產代理及律師樓出租物業的實務與程序。. 1. 業主透過地產代理將物業放租。. 2. 租客透過地產代理物色適合物業。. 3. 業主及租客透過地產代理就租賃物業的基本條款商議,如每月租金、租賃期限 ...

  6. 2014/15. ϋజ. 監管局成員. Members of the EAA. 麗莎女士. Miss Melissa WU. 畢馬威香港審計主管合夥人. Partner in charge, Audit, KPMG Hong Kong. 黃鳳嫺女士.

  7. Press Release. Chief Executive Officer to leave EAA. (24 December 2013) The Estate Agents Authority (EAA) announces today that its current Chief Executive Officer, Mr Augustine NG Wah-keung, has, for personal reasons, tendered his resignation to the EAA Board and will leave the Authority in March 2014.

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