雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. If the officer was appointed on the new permanent terms on or after 1 June 2000 under the new civil service entry system, a death payment of 16 months' final salary and his accrued civil service provident fund benefits will be payable. Salary for any untaken vacation leave. A pension to the surviving spouse and dependent children under the ...

  2. 2011年6月15日 · The Secretary for the Civil Service, Miss Denise Yue, today (June 15) expressed profound sadness upon the death of Station Sergeant Mr Lau Chi-kin, who was injured while performing his duty in Central this morning and died at Queen Mary Hospital later. Miss Yue said, "On behalf of the Civil Service, I offer my deepest condolences to his family.

  3. 職務的執行 法例賦予庫務署署長有權代表管理委員會,就供款人去世的一般個案發放孤寡撫恤金。至於其他個案,則以傳閱文件方式由管理委員會的委員考慮。會議在有需要時才召開。 查詢 如有疑問,請向秘書查詢(電話︰3847 8320;傳真︰2519 3222;電郵地址︰saopens@try.gov.hk)。

  4. 如公務員在實際執行職務期間因公殉職,其遺屬可獲下列福利:. (a)死亡福利╱退休福利. 如有關人員是按可享退休金條款受聘,則不論其在政府服務的年資長短,當局會根據有關的香港退休金法例,把死亡恩恤金發放給其配偶 (如該員生前已經按照退休金法例作 ...

  5. 在職身故的公務員可獲得的福利. 如公務員在職期間非因公引致死亡,其遺屬可獲下列福利:. 死亡福利╱退休福利. 如有關人員是按可享退休金條款受聘並具有不少於兩年的服務年資,當局會根據有關的香港退休金法例,把死亡恩恤金發放給其配偶 (如該員生前 ...

  6. 淑萍女士. 聯絡電話號碼. 職責範圍. 就所指稱的失當行為進行初步調查和蒐集證據提供意見. 紀律行動的個案工作. 為紀律研訊提供後勤支援. 紀律個案判罰先例的資源中心.

  7. 2013年1月9日 · Regarding the management of the taking of sick leave by government employees (including civil servants and non-civil service contract staff), will the Government inform this Council: (a) of the number of government employees who had taken sick leave cumulatively for over two months in any 12-month period in the past five years (with a breakdown ...

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