雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 距離吉祥寺車站約莫步行10分鐘,有著白色外觀的紙製品專賣店「Paper message」,發跡自高知縣的印刷公司,特色為將紙製品單一品項化,可以自由搭配各種小配件製成專屬的卡片。除了卡片相關製品之外,也能購得紙膠帶、筆記本等等,或是能點綴居家空間的紙製品。

  2. 在全世界幾乎都買得到的KIT KAT,其實在每個國家的味道都不一,尤其是日本的KIT KAT已經進化成有自己獨特的Style了,今天讓我們來介紹KIT KAT的8個小祕密,看完後大家都會想馬上飛去日本大採購一番吧! 1. 日本到目前為止已經開發過300種口味以上的 ...

  3. 2017年11月7日 · It costs just ¥400 (US$ 3.51) to use the service, which includes the box of matcha Kit Kats, and the service will only be available for a limited time until mid-April next year. Whether or not Nestlé Japan will expand the service to include more flavors and more locations around the country in future depends on the popularity of the initial ...

  4. 2020年9月18日 · Japan Packaging Design Award 2021. Japan has a rich history of packaging design that dates back hundreds of years and rooted in a tradition of gift-giving. Before industrial materials like plastic and cardboard, gifts were wrapped in straw, bamboo, leaves and paper: an art unto itself that lives on today in the form of products often wrapped in ...

  5. 以上12伴手禮推薦,每間都提供了精緻、高格調的商品,送人體面又不失禮節。 日本各個產業都發展得非常快速,舉凡甜點業為了吸引更多消費族群,各式商品與點子層出不窮的被研發設計出來,還在煩惱東京伴手禮不知道有什麼好買的嗎?

  6. 2016年4月19日 · To stir up even more memories, the producers decided to set up a display of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in the underground passageway that connects Shinjuku and Shinjuku Sanchome Stations. Split up into two large banks of wall-mounted display cases, every single card produced for the game between February 2, 1999 and April 22, 2016 is being exhibited, with ...

  7. 商品皆為手工製作,從玻璃彩釉的磨製、金屬造型的切割到圖設計,都是從無到有的過程,充分展現手作 七寶燒不同於工廠製造的溫度。 手作傳統工藝|布作花(つまみ細工) 布作花是從江戶時代延續下來的傳統工藝,主要以各種色彩的布料 ...

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