雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月3日 · Looks like Hayao Miyazaki has finally come out of retirement to work on his last full feature film. With a repertoire of classic anime films like My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service and the Academy Award-winning Spirited Away under his belt, Miyazaki declared he was leaving the movie world with The Wind Rises as his last feature film.

  2. 2016年2月29日 · 靜 2016年2月29日 更新 玩具 mag.japaaan.com 大家聽說過だるま落し(不倒翁)、けんだま(劍玉)、力士こま(力士棋)…這些玩具嗎?小編精選了五個精緻又有趣的日本傳統民藝玩具,買來放在家裡既可以娛樂,又可以做精美的擺飾。一舉兩得 ...

  3. 大麥若葉青汁是日本有名的健康食品,不僅擁有較長的歷史背景,而且種類繁多,可以說是日本國民健康食品的代表之一。. 近年來,日本青汁的超高評價吸引了外國遊客搶購,曾經掀起了一陣青汁風潮。. 大家好,我是《惊奇日本》小崇,來自北京。. 大麥若葉青汁 ...

  4. 2014年6月8日 · 位于大阪的日本环球影城USJ是无数人心驰神往的游乐园而园中的哈利波特魔法世界ウィザーディングワールドオブハリーポッター),则是每一个霍格沃茨新生和返校的老校友们必须要打卡的区域。. 除了体验各项游乐设施以外,买周边纪念品 ...

  5. 2016年5月22日 · The manju is a standard form of wagashi (Japanese confection) made by wrapping flavored ingredients such as adzuki bean jam in kneaded dough made from wheat or other ingredients, all of which is then steamed. While there are various types of manju in Japan, the momiji manju is a particularly famous variety.

  6. 體驗木精靈們的生活 — 北輕井澤SWEET GRASS度假村 | All About Japan. 樹屋 tree house. http://sweetgrass.jp/greenstyle/facility/treehouse_mushroom.html. 樹屋位於兒童樂園的隔壁。 螺旋階梯、蘑菇型的屋頂,與周圍的景色協調的恰到好處。 最重要的是,下面還有鞦韆和吊床,在這樣清新的自然中享受享受童趣是再好不過了。 http://sweetgrass.jp/greenstyle/facility/facility.html. 樹屋的價格介於別墅和小木屋之間。 推薦有小朋友的家庭來體驗一下哦。 露營地 camping.

  7. 2017年6月2日 · Model, actress and singer Haruka Ayase takes a huge leap in this commercial for Panasonic's portable Private Viera TV. She throws some side-eye at the jumping abilities of a frog and a rabbit before revealing just how far Blu-ray movies on the Private Viera can "jump" through your house—all the way to the bath tub!

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