雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年12月21日 · The monk Mangan established a shrine at the present location on the shore of Lake Ashi in 757. He is then said to have subdued a nine-headed dragon (九頭龍・ kuzuryu) that lived in the bottom of the lake, after which he constructed Kuzuryu Shrine (九頭龍神社・Kuzuryu Jinja) as part of the greater shrine complex, now deifying the ...

  2. 2020年8月20日 · 第二名: 蜻蜓. 蜻蜓是日本自古以来就很喜爱的昆虫。. 他们在日文被称作 katchimushi (胜利之虫),因为他们只会往前飞(不会倒飞)。. 一位优秀的武士会永远向前看,于是蜻蜓也成为了武士的象征。. 所以武士们也会将蜻蜓当作盔甲上、衣服或武器上的图案 ...

  3. 2017年12月21日 · pixta.jp. The Hakone Sekisho (箱根関所), or Hakone Checkpoint, was the first major checkpoint on the Tokaido (東海道) highway connecting Edo (now Tokyo) with Kyoto. Constructed in 1619 and used until 1869, it was one of 53 such checkpoints used by the Tokugawa government to control travel between cities during the Edo Period (1603-1868).

  4. 哈爾濱出身的女將製作的各式餃子是當店的最大賣點其中特別推薦四川風麻婆水餃子(560日幣)」、素食蒸餃的八戒水餃(500日幣)」,最後再來一份用料實在的正統藥膳火鍋就更完美了

  5. 2016年5月26日 · How 'Alien Species' Invade Japan. Species within an ecosystem evolve together over millions of years, each developing specialised strategies to defend against predators. Invasive species generally cause havoc because they end up dominating environments they invade. Below are some ways invasive species have entered and affected Japanese ecosystems.

  6. 2017年11月15日 · Kabushima Shrine (蕪島神社) is located on the island of Kabushima alongside the Tanesashi coastline in Aomori. It was originally established in 1269 by local fishermen who would pray for a good haul and safety while working on the open sea. These days, people also pray for good fortune on the stock market, since the Japanese word kabu ...

  7. 2020年6月16日 · 疫病退散!. いま話題の「アマビエ(アマビコ)」集めてみました♪ イラスト編・グッズ編・お菓子編・つくってみた編. https://fancy.co.jp/11869. 日本的民间传说与现代艺术大师的碰撞,为Amabie这只妖怪带来了可爱的新生!. 也希望能让更多的人们,面对疫情时 ...

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