雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.clp.com.hk › zh › about-clp卓越領導 - CLP

    卓越領導 卓越領導對於任何機構的發展都非常重要。我們富有遠見的董事團隊以及充滿活力的管理團隊攜手同心,帶領我們實現願景,邁向成功之道。我們承諾為員工、業務相關人士及社會承擔應有的責任。嚴格遵從中電的紀律守則的同時,我們管理層致力監督公司的財政和環境表現,以及對社會 ...

  2. 改善客戶服務以滿足所有客戶的要求. 妥善處理投訴. 角色. 交流有關供電服務的想法和資訊,確保建議能滿足住宅及工商客戶需要. 審視客戶意見和投訴,並作出適當安排以避免同類事件發生. 監督中電員工及相關夥伴嚴格執行供電則例,並適時提出修訂. 定期與 ...

  3. www.clp.com.hk › en › about-clpLeadership - CLP

    Leadership is important in the growth of any organization. Our visionary team of directors together with a dynamic management team guide us the way to turn our vision into reality. Our commitments are the promises that we make to our staff, stakeholders and the communities. Get to know the people who drive us to achieve our vision and mission ...

  4. Founding Signatories in Hong Kong’s Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter. Groupwide targets for women in leadership and engineering. Active monitoring of gender pay equity. Fair and non-discriminatory recruitment process. To become a Utility of the Future, we recognise the importance of embracing individuals with diverse backgrounds ...

  5. The course integrates electrical engineering theory with in-depth coverage of specific latest knowledge of power transmission and distribution systems. Students also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of power equipment at CLP Power Academy, and to visit various facilities and work sites at CLP Power.

  6. 小學組冠軍是英華小學四年級的陳賢祖同學,其作品利用風穿梭大廈間產生的風洞效應,推動設於高樓間的風車發電。 陳 同學表示,他在十號風球時在兩幢大廈之間遇上強風,因而得到靈感,希望設計將來可以幫助社區減碳。 中電控股中國區高級副總裁兼核電高級總監吳子堅先生表示:「中華電力為了推動公眾實踐低碳環保以應對氣候變化,多年來一直與城大合作,透過中華電力低碳能源教育中心舉辦不同活動,讓公眾認識包括核能在內的各項低碳能源。 中華電力日後將繼續透過不同平台,向社會大眾推廣低碳節能的訊息,齊心合力實現香港在2050年前達致碳中和的目標。

  7. About this award. The CLP Engineering Studies Award (ESA) sponsors talented engineering students in their final year of university. A Cash Reward. Mentoring programme. Graduate Trainee offer upon graduation. Selected students may join our Graduate Trainee programme to gain valuable work experience.

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