雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月16日 · Another way to get started teaching corporate lessons to professionals is through building a reputation and word-of-mouth. Perhaps one of your eikaiwa students wants to introduce you to the HR manager at their company, or maybe you currently have one-on-one lessons with the president of a company and they want you to bring your skills to their employees.

  2. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

  3. 2019年3月27日 · ① I'm just looking. Pronunciation: Chotto miru dake dess. (lit. "I just look a little") Japanese: ちょっと見るだけです。 Retail staff in Japan will often come right up to you when you enter. Use this phrase if you'd like some time to yourself first. ② How much is this? Pronunciation: Kore wa ikura dess-ka? Japanese: これはいくらですか? ③ Where are the sale items?

  4. ①. 日文:ちょっと見るだけです。 讀音:chyo-to-mi-ru-dake-desu. 中文:我只是看一下。 解說:你也知道,日本服務員是很熱情的,可我們shopping時間寶貴,如果只是想隨便看看,最好能一句話婉拒! ②. 日文:これはいくらですか? 讀音:ko-re-wa-ikura-desuka. 中文:這個多少錢呢? ③. 日文:セール商品はどこにありますか? 讀音:sei-ru-shyohinn-wa-do-ko-ni-ari-masuka. 中文:打折商品在哪裡呢? ④. 日文:ここは免稅にできますか? 讀音:koko-wa-mennzei-ni-deki-masuka. 中文:這裡可以免稅嗎? 解說:目前在日本大商場裡購物免稅已經很普遍了,付款時最好確認一下。 ⑤.

  5. 2017年1月26日 · Apparently, etiquette holds that two knocks is for checking if a bathroom stall is occupied. 7. Leave Your Counterpart’s Card on the Desk. Japanese business cards have their own whole system of etiquette. One of the trickiest points is that after receiving someone’s card, you shouldn’t be too quick to tuck it into your card holder or ...

  6. 2021年4月8日 · 每年的4月,對於日本而言,是很特別的月份。4月不僅是櫻花飄落的季節,也是日本商業年度開啟、新員工入職的月份,同時也是進入應屆畢業的大學生、研究生(修士)們必需展開就職活動的開始。生活在日本,或是嚮往在日本工作的外國人,究竟該如何在日本找到一份心儀的工作呢?

  7. 2017年6月9日 · Japanese TV commercials, on the other hand, are often based less on an idea than on a feeling: they aim to create an impression or sense of realization, hoping to convey the "essence" of a product (e.g. the "essence" of a soft drink). Since this abstract impression alone won't engage or leave a lasting impression, Japanese commercials ...

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