雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月16日 · Another way to get started teaching corporate lessons to professionals is through building a reputation and word-of-mouth. Perhaps one of your eikaiwa students wants to introduce you to the HR manager at their company, or maybe you currently have one-on-one lessons with the president of a company and they want you to bring your skills to their employees.

  2. 2016年4月12日 · 7 Key Resource Sites for English Teachers. Jessica Famularo Updated April 12, 2016. Teaching English. Moving to Japan to teach English is an exciting, but nerve-racking, prospect.

  3. 2018年8月17日 · English Conversation School 101. Ellery Smith Updated August 17, 2018. Information Teaching English. www.manabow.net. Before you start applying to work for any of Japan's five biggest English conversation schools, you'll definitely want to check out the lay of the land in the eikaiwa (English conversation) industry. Experience & Qualifications.

  4. 美國的新創企業AKA股份有限公司開發了支援英語學習的小型機器人Musio並打入日本市場。 來聽聽首席戰略官CSO布萊恩・李先生分享成功背後的祕密故事。

  5. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

  6. 1/24. Watch on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGrBHiuPlT0&list=PL4071737C12790477. 在工作無法配合上課的情況下,我又回到了自學日文的階段,我開始在網路上找日文教學影片,而且只要我一有空我就開始利用這些影片學日文。 以下這些是我覺得對我的日文學習非常有幫助的資源: 書 (英) Instant Japanese, by Boye Lafayette De Mente (Tuttle Publishing) Japanese-English, English-Japanese Dictionary (Random House/Ballantine Books)

  7. 2021年4月8日 · 1. 自我分析. 2. 行業與企業研究. 3. 自我推薦與應聘理由. 4. 投遞履歷(Entersheet) 5. 筆試. 6. 面試. 1. 自我分析. 比起盲目投簡歷找工作,日本提倡 先對自己進行剖析 的流程做法就顯得非常科學。 所謂的自我分析,指的是通過自己學生時代的專業和一些社會實習、打工等的經歷,來綜合評價自己的優勢和缺陷,來更好的定位適合自己的工作類型。 這其實是一個更深入了解自己和自我省察的一個過程。 在這個環節上,日本的很多專業求職網站會提供一些輔助的測試題目來幫你更好的了解自己。 比如性格診斷測試、優點缺點測試、周圍朋友可以幫忙填寫的「他人眼中的你」測試等等。

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