雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 山口縣下關海響館Shimonoseki Marine Science Museum “KAIKYOKAN”) http://www.stca-kanko.or.jp/facilities/images/img_ss_81_2.jpg 擁有超過百種以上的熱帶魚,還有漢波德企鵝的特別互動區。

  2. 2020年3月11日 · The Takara House on the little island of Geruma used to be the home of one such prosperous seafarer, Peechin Nakandakari, and reflects the traditional way of life in the islands. It is thought to have been built in the 19th century, and is designated an Important Cultural Property. Surrounded by high coral and Ryukyu limestone walls, capped ...

  3. 就算是有過橋恐懼症的人也無法抵抗的沖繩三座大橋,眾所皆知沖繩的美麗海景總是令人嘆為觀止。湛藍的天空、一覽無遺的廣大海洋,加上絕美沙灘,只為美景漫無目的的漂流不正是旅途中最高的享受嗎?這次讓我們用自駕遊走遍,連接宮古島對外的池間島、來間島、伊良部島的三座大橋,同時 ...

  4. 2023年9月7日 · 關西國際機場是日本第一座完全由填海造陸建成人工島的海上機場,也是世界上首個100%人工島的海上機場,位於大阪府,更是日本第一座可24小時運營的機場。 1963年,因應伊丹機場(大阪國際機場)的交通擁堵問題,並解決城市土地資源緊缺,日本政府決定填海造地興建機場,於1987年動工,並於1994年啟用。 關西國際機場具有一系列壯觀的建設工程,包括填海造地、航站樓建設和跑道建設等,被譽為20世紀的10大工程之一,為了連接人工島和大阪市,還建造跨海大橋與日本本州相連,使遊客能夠在1小時內輕鬆從機場抵達大阪市區。

  5. 2019年4月16日 · 1. Kabira Bay has been awarded three Michelin stars: it's a must-visit place in Okinawa. Located in the northwest part of Ishigaki Island, this bay offers a breathtaking view of shiny white sand beaches and clear waters that change color from blue to green.

  6. 2019年6月30日 · Aka Island is known to have the most pristine beaches in all of Kerama. The same goes for its diving spots. Its waters are filled with colorful and vibrant marine life like fish and corals and are said to be among the clearest and bluest that one will ever see.

  7. 2017年10月6日 · Surrounded by the sea, with countless islands and headlands of different in higgledy-piggledy topography, the coastlines would measure about 34,000 kilometers (21,126 miles) if laid out straight. Three places amidst this convoluted topography are considered the most scenic in the country: Rikuzen no Matsushima, Tango no Amanohashidate, and Aki ...