雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年3月28日 · 其实,有一种樱花种类就是开花时铺满地面,这个品种叫“芝樱”,“芝”在日语中有草坪的意思。. 芝樱盛开的时节,满地的姹紫嫣红,漫步花海,看花人也会融化在花的海洋。. “芝樱”是一种独特的种类,原本产自北美,花期基本在4月和5月,大多呈淡桃色 ...

  2. 2024年4月9日 · 生活. 深度日本:头顶三尺有神明,厕所决定财运、外貌、子女?. Lynn 2024年4月9日 更新. 日本初体验 深度日本 在日生活. 在日本,有一种说法是:如果家里的厕所很干净,就会财源广进,生的小孩也会漂亮可爱。. 还有一种说法是:厕所有住着神明,所以清扫 ...

  3. 2024年3月28日 · 桥本仪兵卫(Gihei Hashimoto) 就为日本的7-11旗下的饭团提供了相关咨询。作为株式会社八代目仪兵卫的负责人,他的公司源自江户时代的一家京都企业,有着悠久的历史。如今,这家公司已发展成为一家集大米批发、在线销售、餐饮和咨询业务于一体的多元化企业,并计划将业务拓展至海外。

  4. 2024年4月10日 · Koko-en Garden, immediately west of Himeji Castle, is a Japanese garden divided into nine sections, each in a different style. The garden opened in 1992, incorporating the site of the former western residence of the castle lord and numerous samurai residences. The layout matches that of the historical residences and walled streets between them ...

  5. 2024年4月11日 · Kumejima Tsumugi. A coaster woven from tsumugi silk yarn, still on the loom. The visible pattern was created by the way in which the warp yarn was dyed before the weaving began. Kumejima is a small island about 100 kilometers west of the main island of Okinawa. Tsumugi silk production began here in the second half of the fifteenth century.

  6. 2024年3月28日 · Robin Lewis walking on the Fukushima Coastal Trail at Nakoso Beach. When Robin Takashi Lewis first heard about the historic earthquake and tsunami that devastated northern Japan in 2011, his first instinct was to help out. Born to Japanese and British parents, his grandfather hailed from Sendai, some 130 kilometers west of the epicenter of the ...

  7. 2024年3月22日 · Brown Rice is a vegan restaurant run by Neal’s Yard Remedies, a British organic health and beauty company. But while the parent company is British, the food is authentically Japanese, with a plant-based focus. The restaurant has a comfortable and organic atmosphere, with warm lighting and wooden décor.

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