雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Combat Illegal Gambling. As a not-for-profit organisation, The Hong Kong Jockey Club is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility by channelling gaming demand into community benefits. Watch this video for a review of how the Club has been helping the Government combat illegal gambling since 1970s.

  2. 賽馬小百科是香港賽馬會提供的賽馬知識平台,讓你了解賽馬的基本規則、試閘 的意義、馬匹的特徵和賽事的分析。

  3. 賽馬小百科 - 賽馬知多些 - 賽馬資訊 - 香港賽馬會 論戰系列 - Kent & Curwen 百週年紀念短途盃

  4. 答: 網上賭場及網上電競比賽博彩在本港並未獲發牌或豁免。. 因此,在本港通過這些網站下注均屬犯法。. 參與非法賭博最高可. 被罰款 5萬港元 及 監禁9個月. 馬會透過提供合法的博彩渠道,與平和基金平和基金、非政府機構及警方攜手,教育公眾預防非法賭博 ...

  5. The Fund also organises regular territory-side educational campaigns to remind Hong Kong people the harms of excessive gambling. Meanwhile, the Club attaches equal importance to promote responsible gambling among bettors and the community at large. Through myriad initiatives such as TV info-segments and promotional items displayed at its Off ...

  6. 夥拍這兩匹馬出賽的騎師羅理雅表示,兩匹馬在首爾這條恍似沙灘的跑道上,都無法交出平時的水準。. 這位澳洲好手說:「牠們完全應付不來。. 距離終點尚遠時,我已經必須開始催策,但牠們未能交出平時那般反應 - 很快便出現疲態 - 我覺得假如來這裡之前 ...

  7. www.hkjc.com › chinese › racing香港賽馬會
