雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Apply Tertiary Student Loans online with just your ID card, mobile number and student card, application is easier than ever! Online Instant Approval ⦿. Faster Payment System (FPS) Instant Transfer ^ Promise loans are transferred instantly via FPS upon approval. Applying for loan is easier for tertiary students. Flexible Repayment.

  2. 雖然這些CEF課程都專業而實用但有些課程的學費較高需要數萬甚至超過十萬元而且根據持續進修基金申請流程學員要待完成這些短期進修課程或深造課程後符合要求才能申請持續進修基金發還款項對部分有志進修的人士來説或許是一項經濟負擔

  3. 澳洲的學費與生活費較其他一些西方英語系國家便宜而且允許學生於在學期間享有每兩周48小時的工作時數用來補貼生活開支。 必備錦囊! 澳洲留學準備清單1:所需簽證. 論及海外留學,大家一定最先想到簽證問題。 所有學生簽證均屬於Subclass 500,包括高等教育留學、職業教育和培訓(VET)及研究生簽證,獲發簽證後,可於澳洲留學長達5年時間。 如有任何簽證疑問,可以參考 內政事務部網站 。 澳洲留學準備清單2:醫療保險. 而要獲發簽證,必須先購買海外留學生健康保險(OSHC),受保期涵蓋整個留學期間。 但要留意OSHC的保障或未夠全面,有需要可向私人保險公司加購保險。 澳洲留學準備清單3:設定銀行服務.

  4. Knowledge on Personal Loan. Guide for CEF Application | Popular CEF Courses | Claiming Deduction for Expenses of Self-Education. The subsidy ceiling of the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) has been increased to HK$25,000 per applicant, allowing us to apply eligible courses to improve ourselves and explore more possibilities.

  5. Promise’s Personal Loan Calculator calculates monthly interest repayment with the annual percentage rate as a reference, so you can customise your loan amount and repayment period. Learn more now.

  6. In general, if you choose to receive the repayment by bank account, we will transfer the loan instantly via FPS from Monday to Saturday (excludes system maintenance period) upon completion of the application procedure. Note: Actual time of fund transfer will be

  7. The interest of Promise's loan is calculated on a daily basis, and the interest shall be reduced together with the principal. After the deduction of interest payable, the remaining amount of the payment will be treated as part of the outstanding principal repayment.