雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 24小時營業超好逛|西友 SEIYU. 日本最大的超市集團,也是日本至今來客率第一的西友超市。. 除了價格優惠以外,大多數的分店都是24小時營業。. 過去在全國更有多達300間的24小時營業的分店,不論是家庭主婦還是辛苦工作的上班族都非常的方便。. 西友的另 ...

  2. 2024年3月11日 · Over 100 Years of History. Kappabashi Dogu-gai (Kappabashi Kitchenware Street) has been a center of commerce related to tools for over a century, and is one of the best places in Tokyo to find cool (not to mention useful) souvenirs. The two main streets are stocked to the brim with everything from super-realistic food samples to ramen shop ...

  3. 2019年2月28日 · 五金店里出售各种各样的生活居家用品,竹编的篮子特别多,都是当地人常用的传统手工品。 创立于明治时代末期的南部铁器店「釜定屋」。 老店由现在的掌门人宮伸穂的爷爷宫定吉开创,宮伸穂的父亲宫昌太郎为第二代匠师,宮伸穂则是第三代制匠师。

  4. 2017年2月28日 · It sounds kind of lame, but ninja apparently often carried a pencil case-like container for their calligraphy brush and ink—of course, they may have carried small knives and bottles of poison in there too, for good measure. 1. 2. Other than the classic ninja star, or shuriken as it's known in Japan, there were many tools ninja kept on-hand to ...

  5. 今天我們要造訪的這家造酒廠,名為 泰石酒造 ,位於沖繩中部的URUMA市,除了是全日本最南端的造酒廠之外,還是沖繩唯一一家清酒製造地。. 泰石酒造的主打產品名叫 黎明 ,光同一款酒就有好幾個種類,度數大多在十幾度,價格則從1,000日元到幾千日元不等 ...

  6. 2018年1月1日 · Art & Crafts. Hakone Yosegi Zaiku: World of Woodcraft. Michael Kanert Updated January 1, 2018. Handicrafts Hakone Kanagawa Kanto. Based in the resort region of Hakone, Hakone Maruyama Inc. (箱根丸山物産・Hakone Maruyama Bussan) specializes in making Hakone yosegi zaiku (寄木細工), a form of marquetry dating back to around the year 1830. Hakone Maruyama Inc.

  7. 2022年8月31日 · The Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum in Kobe offers unforgettable insights into the traditions and technology of Japanese carpentry used in the wooden construction of temples, shrines and tea houses. Exhibits include full-scale models, beautifully crafted tools, and hands-on displays of joinery and materials.

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