雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Surface and Upper-level Weather Maps: King's Park Sounding Data: Numerical Weather Forecasts: Surface and Upper-level Maps. • Hong Kong Observatory. • Korean Meteorological Administration. • Surface Observations for East Asia. • Steering Flow for East Asia. • Global Upper-level Maps.

  2. 20.0. Weather Forecast for Hong Kong. Issued at 18:45 on 19/Apr/2024. Here is the latest weather bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory. A southerly airstream is bringing showers and thunderstorms to Guangdong. Locally, there were showers over many places in the afternoon. About 5 millimetres of rainfall were recorded in Sai Kung.

  3. 最新消息、香港現時天氣及預報、香港機場天氣及預報、衛星雲圖及雷達圖、空氣質素、大氣穩定度指數、氣候及天文資料、郵購天氣書籍 19/04/2024 07:45 發出 一股偏南氣流正為廣東西部帶來驟雨及雷暴。同時 ,一股偏東氣流正影響廣東東部沿岸。

  4. Weather Underground of Hong Kong web site (referred as Weather Underground below) is established in 1995 to provide a communication platform between weather enthusiasts and experts. It is the first weather web site in Hong Kong and subsequently becomes a community. Originally the web site was updated twice daily by hands, but now the update is ...

  5. 作為經驗之談,一般市民查看實時雷達圖時可以注意以下幾點:. 1. 找出自己在雷達圖上所在位置,平時多閱讀香港地圖會有一定幫助;. 2. 256公里大範圍雷達圖可以用來了解珠三角地區雨勢發展,例如有零散雨區平均分布,即使本港天氣相對穩定,24小時內出現 ...

  6. 本港地區今日天氣預測. 大致多雲,有幾陣驟雨。. 初時局部地區有雷暴。. 氣 溫介乎24至29度。. 吹和緩至清勁南至東南風。. 展望:週末及下週初天氣不穩定,間中有驟雨及雷 暴。. 香港九天天氣預報. 18/04/2024 16:30 發出. 九天天氣預報.

  7. 香港地下天文台(以下簡稱地下天文台)於1995年成立,為香港首個氣象網站,資料來自香港天文台和世界各地官方及研究機構,讓氣象愛好者及專業人士進行比較、分析及討論,對天氣作出更全面的了解。 地下天文台自行添置儀器(包括自動氣象站、閃電位置探測器及大氣電場監測儀)進行天氣 ...

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