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  1. 2024年4月18日 · 渣打藝趣嘉年華. 「渣打藝趣嘉年華是每年一度為期6個月的青少年教育計劃並在每年11月以一連兩天的嘉年華作為壓軸總結每年均有超過3500位來自香港200多間學校及青少年團體的學生參與在本地藝術家的專業指導下創作充滿動感的巡遊藝術作品和舞台表演。 此計劃透過藝術,為青少年提供不同類型的學習及表演機會,協助青少年發展寶貴技能,包括創意、團隊合作、解難能力、領導才能等,藉此讓青少年盡情發揮所長。 兩天的嘉年華讓年青人展示自己多個月來的心血結晶,又能讓市民大眾度過一個充滿藝術色彩的愉快週末,主辦單位希望透過此計劃支持香港青年的持續發展,帶動整個社會的長遠效益。 「渣打藝趣嘉年華」的演變.

  2. 2024年4月19日 · Standard Chartered Arts in the Park is an annual youth education programme through arts that takes place over six months and culminates in a two-day carnival in November. Each year, over 3,500 young people from 200 schools and youth organisations participate in the event. Their involvement ranges from developing original performance pieces to ...

  3. Standard Chartered incorporated its Hong Kong business on 1 July 2004, and now operates as a licensed bank in Hong Kong under the name of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC. Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group, with a presence in 53 of the world’s most ...

  4. 渣打國泰Mastercard給您優越旅行及生活禮遇. 立即申請可享: 迎新禮遇:高達100,000里數**. 冬日迎新獎賞: 額外3,000里數**. 所有於國泰航空或香港快運的合資格消費,均享高達HK$2 = 1里數. 了解更多. Smart卡一包辦生活大小開支. 立即申請可享: 迎新禮遇: HK$1,200現金回贈 ...

  5. Should you have any suspicion, please contact our staff at 2886-8868 (press 2-6-0) to authenticate the identity of the caller or sender, or report to Police immediately. Please click here for more information. Be cautious of “Stooge Account” to avoid money laundering – Criminal syndicates would offer the benefit of making quick money and ...

  6. This hyperlink will bring to you to another website on the Internet, which is published and operated by a third party which is not owned, controlled or affiliated with or in any way related to Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or any member of Standard Chartered Group ( the "Bank"). ...

  7. 全年優惠. 無限次3個月0息分期. 信用卡0息分期付款 # ,消費更輕鬆。 5%豐厚現金回贈. 毋須登記,不設最低消費額,無指定日子。 特約日常消費商戶,盡享豐厚現金回贈*。 告別額外收費. 永久豁免年費,不設外幣交易費、現金透支服務費。 迎新禮遇: HK$1,200現金回贈或香港環亞優逸庭使用券兩張. 由2023年9月28日至2024年1月8日,全新信用卡客戶²於信用卡獲發出後首個月內累積HK$4,000合資格簽賬³ 可享HK$1,200現金回贈或香港環亞優逸庭使用券兩張。 至Smart 「 3免」3個月分期. 免手續費,免利息, 免分期次數限制。 盡情消費,輕鬆還款! 幾個簡單步驟,即可將任何HK$500或以上信用卡零售簽賬分三個月免息免手續費攤還。 例子: 簽賬金額:HK$9,000.

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