雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Please enclose copies of all reports including X-rays, blood test, other laboratory tests, surgical procedures and any relevant hospital reports that are available. 請提供所有報告包括X光檢查,驗血,其他化驗報告及手術報告等,或任何有關的醫院報告。. 12. Please state if the Insured has suffered/been treated for ...

  2. www.aia.com.hk › en › help-and-supportMedical | AIA Hong Kong

    Step 1: Login to your AIA Connect account. Tab "Claims" in the Home menu to start a claim submission. Step 2: Select "Individual Policy", Insured and claim type, then tap "Next". Step 3: Follow the instructions to enter claim details. Step 4: Upload claim document (s).

  3. 閣下在首次求診日起,以上的病徵已存在多久?5. 6. The name, address and contact phone no. of your regular doctor. 閣下慣常求診之醫生姓名,地址及聯絡電話。6. This form is applicable for making claims against the policies issued by AIA Everest Life

  4. 12. Please enclose copies of all reports including X-rays, blood test, other laboratory tests, pyelograms, ultrasound, biopsy reports, surgical procedures and any relevant hospital reports that are available. 請提供所有報告包括X-光檢查、驗血、其他化驗報告、腎孟造影、超聲波、活體檢驗記錄、手術報告等 ...

  5. 1. Please provide names, addresses and dates of doctors and hospitals which the Insured was referred and/or admitted to. 請提供受保人曾經就診之所有醫生姓名或醫院名稱及地址。. Page 1 of 3. OPCLMF95.0513. DETAILS OF THE INSURED’S ILLNESS 受保人病況之詳情. 1. Please provide full and exact details of the diagnosis.

  6. The ability to wash oneself in the bath or shower (including getting in or out of the bath or shower) or wash oneself by any other means 可自行在浴缸或淋浴間進行沐浴或淋浴(包括進出浴缸或淋浴間)或使用其他方式洗澡的能力。. All tasks of getting food into the body once it has been prepared. 進食已預備好 ...

  7. 其實早期胃癌患者大多無明顯病徵,如果你體形肥胖,平時有吸煙、酗酒、進食過量的醃製食物,或受 幽門螺旋桿菌感染,都係引起胃 癌嘅誘因嚟㗎!你又唔洗咁擔心,醫生可以透過胃 鏡檢查,檢測病人有無患上胃炎、胃潰瘍、息肉及胃癌等病症。過程

  1. 其他人也搜尋了