雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Chinachem Group (“the Group”) said today it was delighted that Noble Vantage Ltd., a member company of the Group, had been chosen by the Urban Renewal Authority (“URA”) as the main operator of the Revitalisation Project of Central Market, a Grade 3 historic ...

  2. 繽紛體驗. 透過多元化的有趣體驗,例如大自然導覽、戶外活動、獨家烹飪派對和品酒會等,讓您的生活更為豐富繽紛. 輕鬆賺分. 每消費HK$1賺1分. 在華懋集團旗下酒店、商場或戲院,憑單一收據消費滿HK$50或以上,每消費HK$1即賺取1分。 合作夥伴. 好心行動. 我們籌辦一系列的好心行動,讓您輕鬆賺取積分。 行動所涵蓋範疇廣闊,包括老人探訪、青年培育、藝術及環保等,您只需參加並完成行動,即可獲取積分,兌換獎賞! 合作夥伴. 齊來參與. 做好事,賺積分,享獎賞. 做好事,自然帶來好心情。 如心賞是我們全新的會員獎勵計劃,透過一系列的獎賞,鼓勵好心善行,讓大家一起貢獻社會,共創更美好的香港。

  3. The Chinachem Group is entering its second 60 years with a sharp focus on ensuring the impression it makes is always a positive one, and Sylvia Chung’s leadership role in Business Impact, Branding and Marketing (BIBM) Division is central to delivering on that

  4. 至於最高層的主人睡房最富異國風情,貴妃缸加上奢華的浴室佈置,為住客帶來地中海式度假酒店經驗。 這示範洋房不僅是希臘聖托里尼的浪漫之家,也可以被看作是市場上現代化度假屋的理想楷模,其獨特和罕見正是有設計觸角、品味與別不同和綠色生活追求者的理想居停。

  5. Each one of those people is special. Each one has a story. Each one has a dream. We’d like to introduce you to some of them. Meet our leadership team. Meet one of our residents. Eliza Tsang. Pictorial Garden, Sha Tin. Small business owner, Eliza Tsang, has lived in the same Chinachem development since 1997.

  6. 翩滙坊商場的餐廳位置主要毗鄰將軍澳海濱長廊,呈獻以「Cuisine by the Sea為主題的河畔休閒生活體驗看準年輕家庭客群追求安逸歡聚及味覺享受的需求引入多元化中甚至地中海餐飲品牌佔整體商戶比例3成當中包括在日本擁有超過

  7. Starting in the CEO’s office, at the heart of our business, you’ll get frontline exposure to a dynamic organisation that’s diversifying not only its offerings and portfolio, but its geographical presence too. Your first two years as a Management Associate will follow a ...

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