雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年2月26日 · 我們列出了白馬地區推薦的餐廳、酒吧及溫泉,讓您滑雪後可以好好享受一番。| 查看我們的旅遊部落格, 了解更多關於白馬島及其壯觀的大自然, 景色, 徒步遊經與旅行資訊, 這是喜歡徒步的人的必讀之書。請參考ALPICO 集團原創日誌, 關於交通有用的資訊, 包括快線和觀光巴士, 可以做為您旅行的參考。

  2. 2019年12月17日 · 首頁. 旅遊部落格. 會席~日本料理的極緻饗宴~ 你喜歡日本的食物嗎?壽司、生魚片、和牛、天婦羅~日本的美食選擇很多樣。 如果你是日本美食的老饕,那麼你一定不能錯過日本正宗的會席料理! 秋季會席料理@翔峰. 「和食 (日本傳統料理)」已被世界文化遺產UNESCO認定為無形文化遺產。 會席是傳統日本料理中的類型之一,由12種不同質感和口感的小碟料理所組成,也被認為是和食中最精華的型態。 新鮮的季節性食材、精心細緻的調味和美麗的擺盤將呈現你眼前,如果你來日本,千萬不能錯過! 旬菜Dining「信州」的開放式廚房@翔峰. 通常在日式旅館裡都會提供會席料理。 如住宿松本的翔峰,住宿期間將由”旬菜Dining「信州」”提供會席料理。

    • Toji Soba
    • Sanzoku-Yaki
    • Oyaki
    • Basashi
    • Insects
    • Getting to Matsumoto

    For anyone who has visited Japan before, you might already be familiar with Nagano Prefecture’s most famous local food: soba. Soba are noodles made from buckwheat that are generally eaten cold and served with a soy sauce-based dipping sauce as well as some wasabi, green onion and grated daikon. However, in the Matsumoto region they have a unique wa...

    Sanzoku-yaki is a special type of fried chicken that’s become known as Matsumoto’s soul food. Made with chicken thighs or breasts, it is different from Japan’s other famous fried chicken karaage in that it is marinated in a garlic and soy sauce mixture before being coated generously in potato starch and then fried. Its name literally translates to ...

    These fist-sized Japanese dumplings are another locally loved food that’s made with buckwheat (soba). The soba dough is wrapped around a stuffing which can be almost anything, from Japanese vegetables to sweet red bean paste. They are then roasted in an iron pan giving the oyaki its two distinct baked surfaces before being either steamed or broiled...

    Basashi refers to raw horse meat and is sometimes also called sakuraniku or cherry blossom meat due to its pinkish color. It is a popular local specialty of Matsumoto and considered a delicacy. There are several restaurants specialized in basashi, but you can also find it in regular izakaya bars here. Depending on which part of the horse the meat i...

    For the daring adventurers out there, we challenge you to try the last local food entry on our list: insects. In particular, bee/wasp larvae (hachi no ko) and grasshoppers (inago). Due to its location, there is a smaller supply of fish in the Nagano area, and with livestock also being limited, people would eat insects to get the protein and vitamin...

  3. 請查看從長野和日本其他主要城市前往扇沢以及立山黑部阿爾卑斯路線入口的巴士路線和巴士時刻表。從日本的大城市通过便捷的高速公路巴士、特快巴士與固定線路的巴士出发前往長野的旅遊景點,例如立山黑部阿爾卑斯路線等地觀光。遊客能夠透過ALPICO GROUP官方網站預訂車票。

  4. ALPICO GROUP, Nagano’s No.1 bus operator, providing intercity and sightseeing bus routes connecting Nagano’s various tourist spots to other main cities. Great deals on tickets! Learn More Route & Timetable Inspiring Travel Stories Exploring Kamikochi in

  5. 2020年2月4日 · 1. 關於地獄谷野猿公園. 2. 最佳造訪時機. 3. 開放時間及入園資訊. 4. 如何前往地獄谷野猿公園. 4.1. 搭乘巴士或電車. 4.2. 搭乘計程車. 關於地獄谷野猿公園. 長野山中,深藏了一個常有一群特殊的訪客造訪的天然溫泉。 這些訪客不是人們,而是一群浸泡在熱呼呼的溫泉水中放鬆、滿臉紅通的猴子。 這樣的行為相當獨特,且前所未見。 這個原因讓該地區的日本獼猴舉世聞名,並被通稱為長野雪猴。 您可以在地獄谷野猿公園(又稱地獄谷雪猴公園)附近看到這些四處閒晃的猴子。 若您搭乘大眾運輸工具,地獄谷野猿公園距離長野市約一小時車程(請參考文末,有更多詳細的交通資訊! ),距離白馬則約2小時車程。 因為這座公園位在溫泉區內,而那裡處處都是炙熱的溫泉水和熱騰騰的蒸氣。

  6. 本日のデザート・コーヒーまたは紅茶 ※料理の内容は、季節や仕入れ状況で変更する場合があります。 ※事前にご予約いただければ上記のお値段以外の内容でもご用意が可能です。ご予算に応じてメニューをご用意いたしますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

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