雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1. 網上即時搬屋報價之搬運費用以客戶提供的數據作約數參考,如客戶認為本公司搬屋報價的收費合理,請填寫閣下之資料聯絡我們,另約打價員上門作實。 2. 本公司最低之「出車費」為星期一至五 1000 元,星期六、日及公眾假期1800元。 3. 運費不包括隧道及停車場費用。 4. 運費包括本公司提供之紙箱,掛衣車等及所有包裝之物料。 5. 包裝物料會在上門報價當天即時送到。 6. 請在搬運日子前10天作好準備。 7. 如客戶要途徑多一個地方,須另加200-500元。 8. 以上價目已包括樓梯、轉平台、繁複環境因素 (不包括村屋繁複推路情況)。 9. 如有需要,請客戶另行購買家居保險,因搬遷時有機會令閣下物件損毀。 10. 以上搬屋報價已包括傢俬裝拆費用,但不包括上牆費用。

  2. 東亞搬運有限公司擁有最專業的搬運隊伍,提供專業搬屋、搬廠、搬琴、搬辦公室、搬寫字樓、辦公室搬運等服務,經營多年,搬屋服務範圍遍佈港、九、新界,是一間有經驗的搬運公司。本搬運公司並提供專業包裝,紙箱等搬屋工具,確保閣下的物品不會損壞。

  3. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  4. 與搬屋情況一樣,在整個搬寫字樓過程中,我們公司會與您保持密切的溝通,確保搬辦公室的每一步都能符合您的期望。. 無論您需要辦公室搬運之一類服務是全方位的香港搬運方案,或是只需我們提供部分的搬運支援,我們都能為您提供最優質的辦公室搬運之 ...

  5. 1. 成功率. 搬屋費用報價後成功接單率為89-92%,即100個客有8-11個不找或在考慮我們。 可反影到我們的搬運收費是大眾滿意的。 2. 好評. 客戶細則中「舊客戶」及「朋友介紹」此2類群組,佔了本公司每月客源約70%。 可見客戶對東亞搬運的服務及搬運價錢感到滿意並願意介紹給朋友。 好壞不是靠自己說,而是靠別人推薦,如果不滿意服務和搬運收費,又怎會有那麼多此類客人呢? 範例:

    • 地中海飲食法1
    • 地中海飲食法2
    • 地中海飲食法3
    • 地中海飲食法4
    • 地中海飲食法5
  6. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  7. The average home moving cost for a normal Hong Kong family is approximate 2,000-4,000 HKD Our price range is well-known as friendly and reasonable. 1. Success rate: Our success rate is around 89-92%. 2. Sample: Most of our orders are from current customers referrals, which can truly reflect our services and reputation among our clients. Example:.

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