雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月9日 · 東京區域導覽 >. 東京南部 >. 羽田機場及其周邊 >. 文化體驗工作坊. 藉由眾多體驗(付費、免費)感受生動的日本傳統,實際接觸日本多樣的文化遺產。. 在茶道課程中品茶,在花道課程中插花,或試穿和服、體驗折紙、揮舞書法。.

  2. 2024年4月6日 · 「春日祭」是配合釋迦牟尼4月8日生日,於每年4月第1週六、週日的兩日,以本門寺為中心由池上地區全體居民共同舉辦的慶祝春天來臨的活動。也是關東地區最古老的五重塔(重要文化資產)一年一度的特別開龕日。當日因釋迦牟尼生日所以有分發甜茶,以及舉辦兒童花卉祭典遊行等。可在綠意盎然的 ...

  3. 5 天前 · 淺草流鏑馬是江戶時代(1603-1867)淺草神社過年時所舉辦的傳統活動。. 台東區至今依然承襲許多傳統儀式,而此流鏑馬也是每年都可看到的活動。. 騎馬射箭的英姿相當勇猛,彷彿重現當時的錦繪版畫。. 獎勵射穿三個箭靶的弓箭手的「賜祿儀式」也是相當優雅 ...

    • Koinobori Festival
    • Kanda-Matsuri Festival
    • Sanja Matsuri
    • Kurayami Matsuri
    • Jindai Botanical Gardens Spring Rose Festival
    • Tokyo Port Festival
    • Kachiya Matsuri
    • Design Festa

    In Japan, May 5 is celebrated as Children's Day. It's a tradition to decorate your garden with koinobori (carp-shaped streamers) as a way of praying for the healthy growth of your children. 333 koinobori are displayed at Tokyo Tower, which is 333 m tall. At TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN, you can see over 1,000 koinobori swimming in the breeze.

    Kanda Myojin Shrine's Kanda-matsuri Festival is considered one of the three great festivals of Edo (as Tokyo was once called). Its roots can be traced back to the 8th century. The "Honmatsuri," or main festival, is held every other year in odd-numbered years. A scaled-down "Kagematsuri" is held in even-numbered years. However, the Kagematsuri is pu...

    The three-day Sanja Matsuriin mid-May honors the three men involved in founding the famous Sensoji Temple in Asakusa. It offers a great opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the old heart of Tokyo. Expect lots of music, portable shrines, and delicious festival food.

    This festival is held at Okunitama-jinja Shrine. It is called the "Darkness Festival" because the procession of mikoshi (portable shrines) takes place at night. Kurayami Matsuri takes place between April 30 and May 6. Note however that the rituals held between April 30 and May 2 are not open to the public. From May 3 on, there are exciting events h...

    The Jindai Botanical Gardens are home to Tokyo's largest rose garden. It has around 5,200 rosebushes of 400 varieties. The best time to see them is during the Spring Rose Festival, which is planned to feature events such as concerts and markets. You can also buy rose-related food and souvenirs. There are benches and tables set up in the gardens, so...

    The Port of Tokyo was opened to international trade on May 20, 1941. Each year, the Tokyo Port Festivalis held in honor of the occasion. Numerous organizations associated with the port host a variety of events, such as tours and rides on specialized ships.

    Kachiya Matsuricommemorates an event that took place nearly 1,100 years ago, when Taira no Masakado took arms against the imperial court. After praying for good fortune at Katori-jinja Shrine, Fujiwara no Hidesato (a court bureaucrat) succeeded in suppressing the revolt. He then gifted a bow and arrow to the shrine as a token of gratitude and named...

    Design Festais a huge international art and design event. Held at Tokyo Big Sight, it brings together over 10,000 artists representing a broad range of creative activities, including music, painting, fashion, crafts, photography, performances, and more. At Design Festa, visitors can hear directly from artists about their work, and can participate i...

  4. 2024年4月13日 · 這項活動將在一葉櫻(八重櫻)美麗綻放的林蔭道上舉辦,內容包括小學生表演秀等,熱鬧非凡。祭典中最吸睛的,便是於每年4月第2個週六舉行、將江戶風情傳至現代的無形財產「江戶吉原花魁遊街」活動。將在吉原這片土地上代代相傳的華麗「花魁遊街」以江戶文化為基礎重新編成,並請活躍於 ...

  5. 2024年3月30日 · 文京杜鵑花祭. 根津神社傳說於1900多年前由一個名叫Yamato Takeru的王子所創建。. 擁有300年歷史的根津神社,占地面積6,600平方公尺,種植了100種約3,000株杜鵑花。. 其中也有藤杜鵑(開豆粒大小的小花)、糯杜鵑(開風車狀的花)、黑杜鵑等珍貴品種。. 除了花 ...

  6. 2024年4月1日 · 360-degree views of Tokyo from up in the clouds Rising high above the city, TOKYO SKYTREE is the capital's newest attraction and as of 2018, the tallest tower in the world. Exactly 634 meters tall, this massive tower really stands out in Tokyo's skyline and has ...

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