雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 HKD =

    0.128 USD

  2. Perfect Medical is Hong Kong's largest international medical beauty group, offering a variety of highly-effective medical beauty treatments. Our treatments include slimming, body-sculpting, hyperpigmentation removal, tightening, muscle gain and hair growth. No matter the customer's needs, we can provide the most suitable treatments.

  3. 超聲刀HIF U與熱瑪吉 / Thermage FLX 電波拉皮的分別 2. 深度與溫度. 兩者都是運用音波或電波在皮膚中生熱,超聲刀HIFU可深入至4.5mm的筋膜層並加熱至最高70℃,而電波拉皮的深度大概在3.0mm-4.3mm,能到達真皮層並加熱至最高55℃。. 前者主打聚焦收縮拉提筋膜層 ...

  4. At Perfect Medical, we pride ourselves on being the biggest medical beauty company in Hong Kong that delivers outstanding customer service, only uses world-class machines and offers the best laser pigmentation removal treatments in the market. Over the years, we have received plenty of praise and built up a reputation for being Hong Kong’s #1 ...

  5. 減肥攻略. >. 【香港美容院推介2024】破解黑店的6大套路 + 最熱門 Facial/減肥療程列表!. 香港美容院多不勝數,大小美容院的收費動輒可差數千元!. 到底要怎樣才可以避免墮入美容院黑店的陷阱?. 即破香港美容黑店6大套路,再詳解時下最熱門的Facial 面部 ...

  6. 私密處保養術. >. 【陰道乾】不是只有更年期才會陰道乾癢!. 改善陰道乾的4大方法及食物+陰道乾8大原因!. 陰道乾不止發生在更年期停經女士身上,原來亦是哺乳女士的常見困擾!. 即看陰道乾的8大原因+4大解決方法及食物,還有收陰機療程講解!. 陰道乾澀 ...

  7. 緊膚逆齡秘籍. >. 解析肌底液:探究這位「補水專家」的關鍵作用!. 與精華液有何不同?. 推介8款明星肌底液產品!. 肌底液在護膚程序中扮演關鍵角色。. 但你是否曾納悶,它與精華液究竟有何不同?. 本文將為你解答這個疑問、帶你了解其功效,並為你推薦8 ...

  8. Thermage FLX 美國第5代 熱瑪吉. 原理. Thermage FLX 採用專利單極射頻技術,能量直達肌底4.3mm筋膜層,刺激膠原蛋白逐漸增生,達到緊緻V面、提升眼部、撫平皺紋的效果. 見效時間. 完成整個醫學美容療程後有即時收緊效果;3至6個月後,拉提效果會更明顯,皮膚明顯 ...

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