雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在炎熱的夏季中想要消暑的話大多去海灘或去游泳池,絕對不想到在夏季泡湯,但是在日本有許多的低溫或是微溫泉,一些溫泉旅館更是隱身在遠離繁囂的山林之中,在夏季造訪泡湯也非常涼爽舒適,是避暑的絕佳選擇。

  2. 2022年6月24日 · Now let's go over some helpful tips to remember when going to a beach in Japan. Some of them might seem like a no-brainer, but there are some that are particular to Japan, so take note! • During the off-season when beaches are closed, there’s no swimming allowed since there is no active lifeguard on duty and there are no precautions taken to ensure a swimmer’s safety.

  3. 2017年2月10日 · Swimming season officially starts with an umi baraki ("sea opening") ceremony, typically held in July in the Kanto area, though beaches in Okinawa open as early as March or April. It's only from this time that beaches will feature lifeguards, shops and rental gear, and Japanese people (other than surfers) will generally stay away from the water outside the official season.

  4. 2016年6月22日 · 位于北海道中央的占地1000多平方米的星野度假村TOMAMU,是北海道乃至全日本都是非常有人气的度假胜地。. 在这里,一年四季都隐藏着无数惊喜。. 你可以去拥有日本最大人造海浪的游泳池嗨翻天;可以去体验北海道纯自然的四季风光;可以去看云海滔天、去 ...

  5. 2022年7月14日 · 东西延伸的海滩长约2公里,沙滩宽度大概是20到30米左右,下水后300米以内都是前滩,非常适合带娃一起游泳。 而最值得一提的,莫过于这里的水质。 在日本环境省的水质等级划分中,这里连年被评为最高的AA级,是非常推荐游泳的海域。

  6. 2018年11月9日 · Sayano Yudokoro is, by name and by nature, the onsen most representative of Tokyo’s 23 wards, and is perfect for a day trip. Saya refers to the ancient kanji, 清, essentially meaning "clear" or "pure." That meaning is reflected in the wonderfully fresh water that flows into the baths. Many people are already in the know when it comes to the ...

  7. 2019年5月16日 · 雖然有些溫泉設施提供盥洗用具,不過建議準備寶寶慣用的沐浴乳與洗髮乳,能減低寶寶敏感的肌膚對其他沐浴乳的不適應。因為小小孩使用的量不多,可以使用小瓶子分裝比較好攜帶。另外,泡完溫泉後記得幫寶寶擦乳液保濕,隨時為小寶貝的肌膚做好最完全的呵護。

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