雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. By calling us. Or if you prefer, you can speak to us over the phone instead. Existing HSBC Premier Elite clients. (852) 2233 3033. New clients. (852) 2233 3377. Lines are open 24/7, every day.

  2. Y世代(25-39歲). 網戀騙局偷心又偷金,您會中招嗎?. 「我和您一樣,都受過情傷,遇上您真太幸運了。. 「我好想您,您這幾天做了些甚麼?. 「我現在人在外國,不能和您見面,剛好攝像頭又壞了,運氣也太差了。. 「我這陣子周轉困難,您可以先匯款幫我 ...

  3. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings. 1) We are enhancing our HSBC HK App and Online Banking with additional security controls, please make ...

  4. Exclusive New Fund Time Deposit Offers – branch/phone-banking offer. For existing customer 1, please contact your HSBC Premier Elite Director or the following hotline to place a Time Deposit. Existing customer - HSBC Premier Elite Dedicated Service Line: (852) 2233 3033. If you are new to HSBC 1, to help us better understand your needs ...

  5. HSBC Family Goal Insurance Plan is a whole life insurance plan with a savings element underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited (“HSBC Life”) which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority ("IA") to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong Kong SAR. It is not a bank deposit or bank savings plan.

  6. 遺產傳承迷思 根據2013年《滙豐未來退休生活 — 退休生活如何?》調查報告 所指,有7成退休人士希望將資產傳承予子女或其他親人,而希望 遺留給子女中位數值更高達港幣1,134,790元1,可見財富代代 相傳意識相當濃厚。

  7. 滙豐香港提供全面帳戶、保險、信用卡、貸款服務,讓您輕鬆管理個人理財。登入滙豐網上理財,享受安全便捷網上銀行 ...