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  1. 和 花墟 至相隔一條街的雀鳥花園(Bird Garden),也是廣受香港市民歡迎的市集。. 如今的雀鳥花園早已不是當年的繁亂狹窄的小巷。. 漫步在這裡,你常常能見到鳥主們手拿著鳥籠悠閒地散步。. 此處售賣各種各樣的雀鳥,還有很多是外國的品種。. 就算你不懂鳥 ...

  2. 花墟(Flower Market),顧名思義是以售賣花草盆栽,園藝工具等為主。. 這裡地方不大,但是卻是在香港大名鼎鼎的 [市集]之一。. 許多名人,例如周潤發,周星馳,劉德華也都前來花墟買花。. 就算不買,來這裡看一看花墟各種美麗的花卉,也會讓人心情舒暢 ...

  3. 花墟. 香港花墟位於太子道,主要出售各種各樣的花卉,價格公道,花卉新鮮。除此之外,你可以買到各種乾花,花瓶和園藝相關產品。一到週末,花墟就接踵摩肩,許多香港本地人都會前來轉一轉。. 繼續閱讀… 雀鳥花園是香港難得一見的平靜和悠閒的地方。這裡可以看到各種各樣的鳥類,手工精制的鳥籠,設計獨特的飼料缸和千奇百怪的鳥食。. 繼續閱讀… [/fusion_builder_column] 波鞋街. 香港的波鞋街是以出售運動鞋和運動相關產品的一條街。你可以在這裡找到許多著名品牌的運動產品,例如耐克,阿迪達斯,彪馬,銳步,匡威等。. 繼續閱讀… 女人街是香港最受歡迎的市集之一,在這裡你可以買到各種各樣的平價商品,例如手袋,服裝,情趣內衣,耳機,手機保護套,鞋,玩具等。. 繼續閱讀…

  4. 前往中環的行程大約需要8-10分鐘,你可以在船上一覽香港最著名的維多利亞港美景和兩岸標誌性的摩天大廈,例如中銀大廈,匯豐大廈,國際金融中心一座和二座。 在中環碼頭下船之後,可到斜對面的15C巴士站前往山頂纜車花園道總站,再乘坐山頂纜車登上太平山頂。 如果你居住在港島區,可以直接乘坐香港另一個標誌“叮叮”電車前往花園道附近。 “叮叮”電車 是遊覽香港最便宜的方式了。 每程只用港幣$ 2.3就可以繞著港島游個半天。 港島電車. “叮叮”電車將經過香港最受歡迎的幾個地區,例如灣仔,金鐘和中環,坐在車上游一游香港的這幾個著名的地區是很愜意的呢。 內行人小貼士: 記得乘坐前往堅尼地城方向的電車。 這裡有一個 電車西行線路圖 供你參考。 電車的入口在後門,請記住準備好零錢,因為電車不設找贖。

    • Highlights of Bird Garden
    • The History Behind The Bird Market
    • What Can You Find at Bird Garden?
    • Is It Worthwhile to Visit Bird Street?
    • What Is The Best Time to Visit Bird Market?
    • Where Is Bird Garden and How to Get to Bird Garden?

    Strictly speaking, the Bird Market is more of a garden than a market. Hong Kong and Chinese people love animals and especially songbirds. Walking into this small park or garden, you can witness one of Hong Kong’s phenomenon of taking “birds” for a walk. It is part of local life that visitors hardly get to see. The 3,000-square-meter Chinese style g...

    Originally, Bird Market was located in Mongkok’s Hong Lok Street, which was also known as Bird Street. In the early 1990s, the government decided to do a redevelopment and revitalization project of the surrounding areas. Nowadays you find the Langham Place Shopping Mallthere. As a result, Bird Market was relocated to the present location on Yuen Po...

    To be fair, as a tourist you probably won’t be interested to purchase one of the little feathery friends. However, at the Bird Garden you can purchase all kind of different exotic bird-care related items. There are more than 70 shops, wholesalers, stores, stalls and traders selling everything related to pet birds. You are able to find a wide variet...

    In case you plan to visit the famous Flower Market, the Bird Market is basically next to it and you can do them together. The experience of this market, however, is a little bit a mixed bag. On the one hand, it is fascinating to see and experience one of Hong Kong’s old tradition. On the other hand, it is also sad to see the small birds in their ti...

    The opening hours of Bird Garden are daily from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. However, the opening hours of the small shops and stalls inside the park vary. The majority of shops usually open until 5:00 – 6:00 pm. So, the best time to visit Bird Garden is either in the very early morning hours or in the mid-afternoon. Especially during the early morning, you...

    Yuen Po Street Bird Garden is between Mongkok and Prince Edward. The entrance of this Bird Market is linked to Flower Market and can be easily reached. The Bird Garden is located in the heart of Mongkok and can conveniently reached by all means of transportation. The simplest and most economical way is taking MTR subway system. Go Back to Top

  5. 經過前四日的旅行,如果你是跟隨我們的建議和安排,你已經差不多玩遍了香港最重要的各大景點。. 第五天的行程我們安排得隨意些,我們在下面的文字裡列出香港其他一些重要的景點,你可以根據自己的喜歡和興趣進行選擇。. 基本上這一天我們留給你自由 ...

  6. 這家新開的咖啡館定位為Hello Kitty的主題咖啡,名字很有氣氛-Hello Kitty秘密花園。. 整家咖啡館以木制裝飾設計為主,顯出森林復古的神秘感覺。. 和之前在SOGO開業的 Hello Kitty Le Petit Café 呼應 (因為是同公司旗下的食店)。. 不過Hello Kitty Le Petit Café比較小,也沒有室內 ...

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