雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 究竟私人貸款與傳統汽車貸款又有甚麼分別呢?. 以下文章整合了一些汽車貸款資訊、供車上會計算及注意事項等,待大家在決定汽車貸款還是透過私人貸款購買汽車前,會有一些基本概念。. 甚麼是供車上會?. 怎去計算?. 接觸汽車市場時,經常聽人說「供車 ...

  2. Online Enquiry. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.

  3. According to the Money Lenders Ordinance, the maximum annual percentage rate is 48%. All examples and information of interest rate are for reference only, and final approval is subject to actual circumstances of individual personal loan applicant: Loan Amount: HK$200,000. Interest Rate: Monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%)

  4. 靈活運用私人貸款選購汽車. 比起傳統汽車貸款,一筆過的私人貸款能讓你更靈活處理資金。 申請邦民日本財務即批私人貸款,全程無需現身 * ,亦無需提交「牌簿」作抵押,如想換車、續牌或換車牌號碼等情況,在處理上就會較汽車貸款更為方便! 貸款審批結果不受車種、車齡限制,自由度比上會。 還款期更可長達84個月,隨時額外還款亦免收手續費和罰息,助您靈活解決買車資金煩惱。 無論哪類貸款都要務必留意條款! 無論準車主最終是選擇汽車貸款還是私人貸款,事前一定要多作比較,同時需要細心看清楚所選擇之財務安排的條款及細則。 相信準車主最後都能找到一個適合自己的貸款方案,齊齊精明買車! You might be interested.

  5. 8最常見借貸原因. 隨著現時更多「網上即批貸款」、「免入息審查貸款」、「快捷小額貸款」推出,很多人對申請貸款或借錢已經比以往更開明,尤其是在突然需要大量現金或進行額購買時,都會選擇申請貸款以減緩財政壓力。 其實只要正確利用借貸並準時還款,便毋須擔心會發生嚴重負債的情況。 1. 置業. 香港樓價高企,加上置業後的裝修費用,對普遍香港家庭而言,想以存錢方式儲夠首期,需要很長時間。 所以不少香港人都會選擇申請私人貸款,以應付額或小額資金需要(例如支付部分首期及裝修費),達到盡早「上車」。 2. 創業. 要實現創業夢想,首先要有一筆創業資金,如果打算設立實體店,甚至需要預留更多錢。 相比部分創業基金需要事先面試再批出額貸款,私人貸款比較靈活有彈性,同時資金可以更快到手。 3. 進修.

  6. You can apply for Promise's "Emergency Loan" online, sign the contract and get your loan transferred easily any day of the week. Application procedure is simple and quick as income proof is not required, allowing a speedy approval §. "Emergency Loan" is suitable for customers who have short-term financial needs.

  7. For those situations where you are temporarily in need of cash, Promise provides an Emergency Loan which can easily solve all your financial troubles. You can get a fixed short-term loan of $2,000 through a simple and quick application, approval and loan agreement signing procedure online without showing up. With a fixed repayment period of 4 ...