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  2. 問題:. 據報本年二月一名消費者透過一間航空公司的網站購買一張來回機票並已獲確認預訂機位及完成付款程序惟於辦理登機手續時才獲悉航空公司並無其購票和付款紀錄最終未能登機。. 香港海關接獲該人的舉報後展開調查,並於五月二十六日以涉嫌 ...

  3. Noting the latest developments of the epidemic situation, and considering the enhanced capacity in tackling the local epidemic as well as overall social and economic needs, the Government...

  4. 2022年9月5日 · The Transport Department (TD) today (September 5) announced that the Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2022 will be conducted from September to December. The survey will need about 35 000 randomly selected households to participate. The households can choose to complete the survey via an online questionnaire or telephone/face-to-face interview.

  5. 勞工及福利局局長羅致光博士主持記者會宣布相關措施時說:「政府將在明年二月二十七日實施二元優惠計劃各項優化和防止濫用措施,包括把合資格年齡由65歲下調至60歲,讓超過60萬名60至64歲人士受惠。 他們須在今年八月二日起,按出生年份分批申請專為計劃而設的個人八達通卡『樂悠咭』,以享用二元乘車優惠。 此外,獲運輸署批准的紅色小巴路線和街渡航線,以及香港電車將於同日納入計劃。 至於二元的劃一票價現時維持不變。 「樂悠咭」印有合資格受惠人士的個人相片及姓名,每名合資格人士只可持有一張。 在實施日期前獲發的「樂悠咭」只可作一般成人八達通卡使用,故此60至64歲合資格人士只須按下列時間表遞交申請,無需提早申請: 60至64歲合資格人士可透過「八達通App」手機應用程式或郵寄表格遞交申請。

  6. The Government announced on August 5 adjustments and clarifications on the quarantine and testing arrangements for persons arriving at Hong Kong from places in the Mainland other than Guangdong Province, Macao, and Taiwan, in view of the latest situation.

  7. They can take public transport or self-arranged transport to return to their home or their hotel of choice. Quarantine arrangement upon arrival at Hong Kong will be changed to "0+3", i.e. no compulsory quarantine will be required. There will be three days of medical surveillance during which inbound persons are free to go out but are obliged to ...

  8. 2021年11月1日 · Government announces comprehensive tightening of quarantine exemption arrangements. The Government today (November 1) announced that quarantine exemption arrangements will be comprehensively tightened with effect from November 12. Monitoring on exempted persons will also be strengthened. The new measures to be implemented include:

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