雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 夾萬 英文 相關

  2. 密碼夾萬、鑰匙夾萬、最先進的指紋識別防火夾萬,親臨門市選購可享折扣價優惠。

    • 燈飾照明產品



    • 門市資料

      PLC 於旺角及灣仔設有5間門市。


  3. 完善售後服務,包括安裝,上門檢修及開鎖. 設24小時支援熱線


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    • 1. a safe; a coffer; a safe deposit (box); a strongbox

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  2. The wide-ranging services provided by Caritas include social work services, education, medical care, community development and hospitality, etc. Today Caritas serves the community through over 270 service units from about 150 locations. It has more than 6,500 full time staff and receives ongoing support from thousands of volunteers.

  3. 善長可以信用卡 (VISA/ MasterCard/ 銀聯) 進行網上捐款,或透過各參與銀行提供的網上捐款服務,將善款直接存入香港明愛 支票抬頭請寫「香港明愛」。將支票連同填妥的捐款表格,郵寄或親身交到香港堅道2號明愛大廈財務辦公室

  4. www.caritas.org.hk香港明愛

    香港明愛 (明愛) 於1953年7月由天主教香港教區創立。. 目標是為貧苦大眾提供救濟及康復服務。. 明愛因應戰後初期動盪的社會,向弱勢社群提供援助,解燃眉之急。. 自建立服務雛型以來,明愛一直致力協助那些尋求自我發展及自力更生的巿民大眾。. 作為一個 ...

  5. Being one of the signature fundraising events of Caritas Hong Kong, Caritas Charity Bazaar is held once a year in six different locations throughout Hong Kong. The objectives of organizing the Caritas Charity Bazaar are beyond simply raising fund. It also promotes the partnership between Caritas and parishes, and is also a co-operative ...

  6. 自六十年代起,明愛率先為基層人士提供社區組織的服務。. 每年,社區發展服務組織近 100 個居民小組,協助他們解決共同的需要,並動員超過 109,000 名居民參與社區活動。. 而失業人士綜合服務計劃共有 42,100 人次之失業人士參與,並成功為其中 600 多人推薦 ...

  7. 此項活動動員逾名義工,入場人次超過八萬。 慈善賣物會攤位帶給入場人士多姿多采的遊戲項目、價廉物美的禮品和精彩表演等。 明愛慈善賣物會是本港一個別具特色的大型慈善活動,亦是老幼皆宜的家庭同樂節目。

  8. Caritas Aberdeen Social Centre was established in 1962 to provide services for the community of the Hong Kong Island South. In 1999, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust promised to grant us funding for re-development. One of the Centre’s buildings was re ...

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