雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance. As criminal law is concerned with the rehabilitation of offenders rather than simply punishment, in certain limited situations, convictions may become “spent”.

  2. 任何人透過書寫、口述或行為舉動去發布(*註)一些誹謗性言論或事情,而該項事情針對另一個人或一間機構,該發布人便可能要就誹謗負上法律責任。 概括而言,誹謗分為兩類:一類是 永久形式誹謗 (Libel) ,即以書寫或其他永久性方式,去發布誹謗性事情;而另一類是 短暫形式誹謗 (Slander) ,即以口述或其他短暫性方式,去發布誹謗性事情。 (*註:根據誹謗法,「發布」的意思不只限於印製及發行書籍 / 報紙 / 雜誌。 「發布」一般是指「以任何方式讓另一個人或公眾知道有關事情」。 閣下可在第三部分 ─ 向其他人傳達誹謗性事情,找到更詳盡的解釋。 以下是構成誹謗的要素: 有關事情具有誹謗意思; 該事情已向第三者傳達;及. 該事情是針對某個人(或公司)。

  3. Home » Topics » Police & Crime » Criminal records and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance. II. Criminal records and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance. A. Criminal Records. B. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance. C. Implications of Spent Convictions. D. Disclosure of Spent Conviction. E.

  4. 6. 註冊醫生及律師的證明書. ». 6. 註冊醫生及律師的證明書. 授權人必須在一名註冊醫生和一名律師面前簽署持久授權書,並必須:. 在註冊醫生面前簽署的同時,在律師面前簽署該持久授權書;或. 在註冊醫生面前簽署的翌日起計的28天內,在律師面前簽署該 ...

  5. 10. 股份獎賞和股份認購權利益會如何被評稅?凡因受僱或擔任職位而得到任何股份獎賞 / 股份認購權利益,均須課繳薪俸稅。 如果閣下得到的是股份認購權(可在將來之某段期間內認購股份),便須根據《稅務條例》第9(1)(d)條納稅。 閣下將要在行使、轉讓或放棄(以換取其他報酬)股份認購權的 ...

  6. Defence. 5. Defence. Within 28 days of filing the Acknowledgment of Service, the defendant must file a Defence (stating all the grounds for denying the alleged liability), together with other documents as required by the Practice Direction, including any statements of the defendant and other witnesses (Witness Statements).

  7. “In Personal Injuries Cases” (including Medical Negligence cases) (a) the Plaintiff’s date of birth; (b) a summary of the Plaintiff’s injuries, the treatment received, the permanent disability, if any, suffered by him / her and, where practicable, the prognosis in