雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Overwhelmed by emotions, Charlton found an outlet through reading and writing. She shared her life stories through writing, completing a 60,000-word book within a month. She also joined several charitable organisations, hoping to inspire others with her experiences ...

  2. 以教育跨越死亡 活好當下 邵卓琳:「有的人因為相信而看見,有的人因為看見而相信。 童年一瞬即逝,小朋友本應好好享受無憂無慮的時光,在單親家庭長大的 Charlton 卻因為媽媽患上血癌,升上初中便擔當照顧者的角色。

  3. 話你知 馬會於2010年成立「賽馬會緊急援助基金」,致力以更具效率及彈性的模式處理緊急危難個案,向受天災、意外、致命或嚴重疾病等突發情況影響的有需要人士伸出援手,更適切地回應社會的需要。這個基金接受由政府、非政府組織及醫院管理局的註冊社工為有需要人士申請,曾為許多遭逢 ...

  4. “The family used to rely on the Government’s social security allowance. The sudden passing of a parent left the young dependant very upset and traumatised,” says Shirley. “Financial hardship followed and he couldn’t even stay in the flat where he used to live with ...

  5. At the Hong Kong College of Technology, there is a room for rest where no smartphones are allowed. Once inside, you will find a space capsule, a small sofa and a comfortable corner carpeted in green. Whenever students feel sleepy and tired, the space welcomes them in to recharge with a nap, unbind knotted nerves and rediscover calm.

  6. 從小容易受傷,經常進出醫院,又要接受矯形手術,不禁令人好奇,泳琪是如何渡過這一切困難?「因為不想家人 擔心,對於身體的問題,雖然好痛,但我會選擇忍痛捱過。」她笑言敬佩小時候的自己,亦感謝遇上好醫生,為她作出最好的判斷 ...

  7. 第五波疫情期間,中心發現照顧者的壓力更為沉重,情況令人擔憂。「大家長期因抗疫留在家中,無論是SEN小朋友抑或因中風或手術後有言語溝通或吞嚥困難的長者,因疫情嚴重,加上非政府機構以及政府的訓練服務都因疫情暫緩,影響有需要人士之訓練安排,令到訓練成效有所影響。

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