雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 公司简介 黄嘉锡律师事务所自2001年成立以来,一直以香港为基地,致力提供优质而专业的法律服务。现时,本所在香港有三间办事处,分别位于中环、旺角及西九龙。 在过去几年间,本所由专门处理公司和个人的债务重组及破产法律事务发展成为一家提供多元化法律服务且在香港具领先地位的律师 ...

  2. 遺囑及遺產承辦. 本所的律師及法律從業員為客戶提供以下服務: 遺產計劃及信託之法律意見. 草擬遺囑及相關法律意見. 申請遺產稅證書. 申請遺囑認證書及遺產管理書. 就繼承、管理及分配遺產給予法律意見. 草擬有關物業業權轉移之家庭協議書及允許書.

  3. About Us. Since our establishment in 2001, our firm has been based in Hong Kong and is committed to providing quality and professional legal services. At present, we have three offices in Hong Kong, located in Central, Mong Kok and West Kowloon respectively. Over the years, we have evolved from a law firm that specialized in debt restructuring ...

  4. 若你希望身故後你的遺產可以按照你的生前意願分配給特定的受益人,例如將物業留給太太,將股票資產留給子女等等,而不是根據《無遺囑繼承法》按照親屬關係作出法定分配,只要你年滿18歲便可訂立遺囑,又稱「平安紙」,以法律文件形式確認你的意願,並且在遺囑訂明遺囑執行人日後去管理及分配資產給受益人。

  5. Mr. Leo Lok Consultant 。Solicitor of HKSAR 。Arbitrator of Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Centre 。Arbitrator of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission 。Civil Celebrant of Marriages 。China-Appointed Attesting Officer 。Notary Public

  6. A sale and purchase agreement is a valid legal document and a breach of the agreement may lead to lawsuits. The party in breach of the agreement may need to pay for loss and damage caused to the other contracting party. For example, if the purchaser of a property was late in paying the purchase money, the vendor could confiscate the deposit.

  7. Main Page. Services. Mortgage, transfer of property and property redemption.

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