雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. For immediate release. Katherine Tsang . 29 July 2014, Hong Kong . announces Katherine Tsang, early retirement with effect from 1 August 2014 serving the Bank for 22 years. Katherine joined the Bank in 1992 and has held various senior positions since then. She has a track record of consistently delivering superior business performance.

  2. 《海外留學的外幣轉帳,讓你與子女一起由繁轉簡,節省時間》 讓子女到外國留學,在多元文化的融和下發展才華,是不少家長的選擇。 而子女在外,當然需要經濟上支援,但一提『外幣轉帳』四字,有時會令家長們覺得麻煩。 了解更多渣打多貨幣萬事達卡扣賬卡: sc.com/hk/zh/bank-with-us/multicurrency-debit-card/ 海外升學諮詢禮賓服務. 子女在海外升學遇上緊急洗費,繁複的外幣轉帳總令家長頭痛。 現時銀行針對這需求推出產品,不單能快速匯款到海外、免手續費,過程更比網上轉帳更方便!

  3. The principal place of business of the Jersey Branch of Standard Chartered Bank is: 15 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PT. Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC18. The Principal Office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD.

  4. 1 天前 · 富裕承傳萬用壽險計劃乃由保誠保險有限公司承保之人壽保險計劃,助您延續成就,財富世代傳承。 此終身壽險計劃為您的資產增值及保值,給摯愛送上祝福。

  5. 立即申請. 「百分百擔保貸款專項計劃」. 渣打中小企業理財全力支持「香港按證保險有限公司」推出的「百分百擔保貸款專項計劃」,與中小企攜手應對挑戰。. 合資格客戶可於2024年10月28日或之前提交申請,請即申請尊享優先處理。.

  6. Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 3 Report of the directors (continued) Auditor The financialstatements have been audited by KPMG who will retire and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment. A resolution for the re-appointment of KPMG as the auditor of the

  7. 2023年8月31日 · 享更多里數或現金回贈,更隨時可贏走雙人來回巴黎客位大抽獎。 查看全部私人貸款 按揭