雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 第1步. 登入HSBC HK App,並在「了解產品與服務」下選擇「Well+」。 第2步. 點按「立即參加」並按照螢幕上的指示操作,即可加入 Well+。 您已準備就緒為健康升級,同時賺取豐富獎賞! 如何開始. 尚有疑問? 了解更多. 從「身.心.財」開始啟動健康生活,更可以邊玩邊賺獎賞。 立即通過「香港滙豐流動理財」應用程式免費參加,開始賺取「獎賞錢」。

  2. 由即日起至2024年6月30日晉身成為滙豐卓越理財尊尚客戶尊享港幣86,300元迎新獎賞[@premier-elite-welcome-offer-rewards],當中包括新增資金獎賞財富管理禮遇時尚生活禮遇以及尊享定期存款優惠利率

  3. 網上理財. 由2022年3月下旬起,滙豐網上及流動理財將就登入方式陸續推出全新功能,讓您可享受升級理財體驗。. 請考慮於HSBC HK App啟動流動保安編碼,並確保您已更新聯絡資料。. 了解更多. 自2022年5月起,您將可享受更簡潔的網上理財介面及更流暢的轉賬體驗 ...

  4. 輕鬆兌換飛行里數,成就飛一般里賞!. 尊享低至港幣2元=1里無上限簽賬回贈,體驗豐富旅遊禮遇。. 迎新禮遇. 高達$800「獎賞錢」(或16,000里) [@cards-welcomeoffer] 賺取低至港幣0.4元 =1里 [@cards-milescalculation] 全新信用卡客戶成功申請「現金套現」分期計劃可享 ...

  5. in the second half of 2024 Although global growth will be relatively slow, it remains positive with a full-year GDP growth forecast of 2.3% for 2024. In fact, we expect a mild acceleration in the second half of 2024 because falling inflation should help drive

  6. Based on the average life expectancy for men in Hong Kong, you will need HKD2,000,000 1 to support yourself to the age of 82. Women tend to live longer than men, so you may need to save HKD2,600,000 to support yourself to 88. If you prefer a more affluent lifestyle, you might need HKD7,000,000 1 if you're a man, or HKD9,150,000 1 if you're a woman.

  7. Exclusive New Fund Time Deposit Offers – branch/phone-banking offer. For existing customer 1, please contact your HSBC Premier Elite Director or the following hotline to place a Time Deposit. Existing customer - HSBC Premier Elite Dedicated Service Line: (852) 2233 3033. If you are new to HSBC 1, to help us better understand your needs ...