雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 假設一位女性的20歲到40歲是在東京度過的,那這20年間,在她的人生裡,會漸變出怎樣的多彩軌跡呢?2016年底熱播的人氣日劇『東京女子圖鑑』所交出的答卷為,在時間這條軸線上,從戀愛、結婚、再到離婚,經歷過期許、失望和淡然。

  2. 2017年11月2日 · Since the capybara keeper at Izu Shaboten Park noticed his charges relaxing in a puddle of hot water in the winter of 1982, roughly 20 zoos across Japan have taken up the practice of preparing a capybara rotenburo, or outdoor hot bath, to get the big rodents through the colder months. Capybara love water, and have the webbed feet to prove it.

  3. 據說在日本首次派遣忍者完成任務的是聖德太子,當時的忍者普遍被稱為「忍 (日語發音: shinobi )」。而在各個時代各個地區的忍者稱謂都有所不同,飛鳥時代 (592–710) 稱之為「志能便 (日語發音:shinobi )」,奈良時代 (710–794) 稱之為「斥候 (日語發音:sekko )」,到了戰國時代 (1467–1590) 的叫法更 ...

  4. 2016年10月7日 · Yet the Buddha perseveres as a popular destination for anyone spending a day walking around Kamakura. This statue isn't as large as the great Buddha in Nara, but it makes an impression at a little over 11 meters (36 ft)—over 13 meters (42.6 ft) including the base. If the way the statue looks on the outside impresses you, you might also like ...

  5. 札幌5大冬季活動. 講到札幌我們都會想到美食跟雪祭吧!今天我們要來帶領大家看看不一樣的札幌,從有趣的戶外活動到溫暖的室內活動,還有鮮為人知的秘密景點,給你不一樣的北海道! 5. 支笏湖冰祭. 雖然支笏湖並不算在札幌,但我們非常推薦各位去看看 ...

  6. 2016年1月19日 · Whether you're an expert in applying makeup or have just started on your cosmetic journey, these four YouTubers can give you tips about applying everyday makeup and Japanese cosmetics. Kim Dao, a Vietnamese-Australian YouTuber, is not only a Japanophile who vlogs about her experiences in Japan, but she's also an avid makeup enthusiast who uploads videos about everyday makeup trends in Japan.

  7. 2017年8月11日 · Now, he's ready to take it to the next level at Comiket 92 as Cammy from Street Fighter II. Like the good sport that he is, Ladybeard took up the challenge and donned the green leotard for his fans at this year’s Summer Comiket, striking fear and awe into the hearts of villains and comrades alike. Great to meet so many other cosplayers today.