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  1. 信貸評級 (Credit Rating)是經由香港的信貸評級機構根據客戶的信貸紀錄評分的等級。 另外,只要你曾申請信用卡或私人貸款,就會擁有自己的信貸報告。 信貸報告中的資料會經過濾及計算,最後會得出一個評分,就是我們常常提到的信貸評分。 愈高的個人信貸評級自然愈容易通過信貸審批,反之愈低的個人信貸評級會造成您生活上許多的不便。 常見問題2:個人信貸評級會對生活造成怎樣的影響? 又有甚麼因素會影響信貸紀錄? 為何個人信貸評級會對生活造成極大的影響? 當您需要申請信用卡、貸款、按揭,甚至移民時,個人信貸評級較差的申請人不一定獲批信用卡;還有良好的信貸評級或會有助申請人爭取更優惠的貸款利率;加上銀行亦會參考您的信貸評分以決定按揭貸款額。 最重要的是有優良的信貸評級或許亦有助移民的申請批核。

  2. Can Making an Early Repayment of Credit Card Instalment Plan Help Saving Money? Understanding 3 Common Myths of Credit Card Repayment Many people may try to apply personal loan, overdraft credit card, and credit card instalment in order to solve their urgent needs of cash flow. ...

  3. When you are going to apply for a credit card, loan, mortgage, or even immigration, applicants with a poor Personal Credit Rating may more likely be rejected. A good Credit Rating may help the applicants to obtain a lower interest rate. Some banks may also refer to your Credit Rating for determining the mortgage loan amount.

  4. Knowledge on Personal Loan. When you need personal loans to achieve your financial goals or meet your immediate cash needs, you actually need to know more about loans in order to make responsible financial decisions. Promise provides you with different types of loan knowledge before making any loan applications!

  5. If you would like to learn more about small business setup, let’s take a look on this article. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively. According to the Money Lenders Ordinance

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