雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. BOCHK has sponsored the Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates (HKAAA) to organise the inaugural Bank of China (Hong Kong) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HK Section) Half Marathon which was successfully held on 19 November. Nearly 8,000 runners participated together in the half marathon on the world's longest bridge-tunnel sea ...

  2. 中銀香港一直致力於打造全方位數字化銀行,大力發展科技金融,向全場景智能數字化邁進,以提升客戶體驗和銀行的運營效率。. 人工智能 (AI)技術的迭代發展和應用正迅速改變企業的營運模式,銀行業亦無例外。. 本屆比賽分成學生組和初創組,以人工智能 (AI ...

  3. 合資格簽賬金額以信用卡月結單上的簽賬貨幣及已折算為港幣之誌賬金額為準。. 3. 每位客戶(以身份證明文件號碼計算)須於登記期內成功登記本推廣,並於整個推廣期內以合資格信用卡累積合資格簽賬達HK$20,000或以上,方可享額外8%現金回贈;每位客戶於整個 ...

  4. OVERVIEW. The "BOCHK Challenge" has been held for 8 consecutive years. It continuously provides a platform for students from higher education institutions and startups to showcase their talents on technology and ignite innovative ideas. Our goal is to sow the seeds of hope for technological innovation ventures.

  5. 2021 年美元匯率自1 月上旬開始回升,打擊東南亞貨幣表現。. 年初至今,美元指數從去年底的89.9 上升至現時91.5的水平,上漲達1.7%;多數東南亞貨幣如馬來西亞令吉、泰銖、新加坡元、文萊元、菲律賓披索、老撾基普、柬埔寨里爾兌美元因此貶值0.1%-0.9%。. 此前泰國央 ...

  6. 守護十年網上保險計劃. (保費回贈計劃). 25%. 請即輸入上述優惠代碼投保本計劃即可獲首年保費折扣高達5折優惠!. 本優惠受條款及細則約束。. 有關本計劃及本優惠詳情,請參閱本計劃產品小冊子、保單條款及本優惠宣傳單張。. 守護十年網上保險計劃(「本 ...

  7. Financial Analyst. +852 2978 1287. gurpreet.s.sahi@gs.com. Haitong Securities Company Limited. Gary Lin. Chief Bank Analyst. +86 21 2315 4395. ljl12245@htsec.com. Haitong International Research Ltd.