雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. AIA.COM.HK. 新聞稿. 友邦推出全新電視廣告 突顯財務策劃顧問使命 助客戶實踐愛的承諾. 香港,2014 年11 月14日 ─ 友邦推出全新電視廣告,透過一幕幕現實生活寫照,突顯友邦財務策劃顧問時刻肩負著重要使命,幫助客戶為摯愛家人提供適切保障,實踐一份愛的承諾,從而為客戶生活帶來正面改變。 承接去年友邦「真生活 真夥伴」的品牌定位,今次製作的全新電視廣告,亦沿用相同的品牌理念,帶出友邦多年來與客戶並肩同行,是他們人生旅途上的真夥伴。 廣告重點放於友邦財務策劃顧問身上,突顯出每位財務策劃顧問都肩負起重要使命,就是了解客戶真正所需所想,提供真誠和真摯的服務,幫助客戶將心裡無形的愛,以保單形式實在地表達出來,守護所愛的人。

  2. It's wise to build a safety net that involves well-rounded protection for each family member – this ensures that plans will not be disrupted by unexpected events. We can help you plan your ideal life and take things to the next level.

  3. The iLike Mother’s Day Lucky Draw · Great Fun at Hong Kong Disneyland ("Lucky Draw") is organised by AIA International Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Bermuda with limited liability ("AIA"). The campaign period is valid from 1 May 2023 at 9 a ...

  4. 本表格所收集個人資料根據「AIA個人資料收集聲明」處理及只會被用作於聯絡閣下之用。然而所收集個人資料未經您明確授權將不會轉移至「AIA個人資料收集聲明」列明以外之第三者機構。您可選擇不向我們提供所需個人資料,惟這樣可能導致我們不能聯絡閣下。

  5. 本网站使用cookies以提升阁下用户体验。 阁下可在本公司 Cookie政策声明 及 私隐政策声明 中了解更多关于本公司收集cookies类型、本公司如何使用此等cookies,以及如何管理阁下cookies设定资讯。

  6. AIA MPF Happy Retirement Savings Programme *. ^ For the 2019-20 year of assessment and each subsequent year of assessment, the tax-deductible limit per year is HK$60,000, which is an aggregate limit for both MPF Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions and premiums for Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policies (QDAP).

  7. Life insurance policies are long-term contracts of insurance. Should you surrender the policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid. In the unfortunate event that the insured is expected to pass away within 12 months due to a terminal illness, as confirmed by both the registered medical ...