雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 訪日外國人患病、受傷時的主要聯繫方式. 疾病,受傷時,請確認以下內容後,搜索醫療機構諮詢窗口或接受治療的醫療機構。. 請與 中登載的您所在都道府縣的諮詢窗口聯繫。. ※在非開設時間,請與厚生勞動省新冠感染症諮詢窗口聯繫。. (0120-565-653). 請根據 ...

  2. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.

  3. ・People who are likely to take time for evacuation, including the elderly, persons with disabilities, and infants, and their caregivers are advised to start evacuation. ・Others should refrain from going out unnecessarily and prepare for evacuation; please evacuate on your own judgment if necessary.

  4. I worry about the baby. My baby won't stop crying. My baby threw up. My baby has a fever. My baby won't eat. My baby is listless. I am having chest palpitations. My pulse is irregular. I am having irregular bleeding. I have a pain in my abdomen. I have di˜culty

  5. 中東. 日本政府観光局(JNTO)で実施している、香港市場における訪日マーケティング戦略を公開しています。. 皆様のインバウンドにおけるお取り組みにご活用ください。.

  6. I want to consult about medical treatment. Please contact the consultation service of the prefecture in which you are staying as listed in the links. *In times outside of regular opening hours, please contact the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare COVID-19 Call Center. (0120-565-653)

  7. Safety tips for travelers. 本網站提供各種資訊,. 協助保障訪日外國人旅客的旅途安全。. 首頁. 在發生緊急狀況時. 災害應急會話. 應用程式. 「Safety tips」. 首頁 > 在發生緊急狀況時.