雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. (22 November 2022) The Board of the Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) held its meeting today and appointed the chairpersons of its five standing committees to oversee the various aspects of the EAA work. The EAA Board is the highest decision-making body of the EAA.

  2. 年報概述了監管局規管地產代理業界執業的主要工作、及截至2021年3月31日財政年度的財務回顧,亦重點記載監管局在年內積極應對新冠疫情帶來. EAA produces the Annual Report every year as a major tool to The communicate with its target audiences. The EAA Annual Report 2020/21 was published in late October and tabled at the Legislative Council.

  3. The EAA welcomes new Chairman and Members. (30 October 2020) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Ms Elaine LIU Yuk-ling, JP (photo attached) to succeed Professor William LEUNG Wing-cheung, SBS, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 1 November 2020.

  4. The EAA welcomes new Chairman and Vice-chairman. (3 August 2022) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP to succeed Ms Elaine LIU, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 29 July 2022. The EAA also welcomes the Government’s ...

  5. www.eaa.org.hk › zh-hk › Inquiry-HearingInquiry Hearing

    根據《地產代理條例》第34條的證人開支. 研訊於颱風/惡劣天氣時的安排. 遙距研訊的指引. 紀律制裁權. 假如紀律委員會認為投訴或行政總裁的呈述成立,可行使《地產代理條例》賦予的紀律制裁權,當中包括訓誡或譴責有關持牌人,將條件附加於有關牌照上或更改牌照上的條件,暫時吊銷或撤銷其牌照,判處罰款以及作出支付費用的命令。 透過 此連結 ,輸入希望查詢的持牌人的名稱、牌照號碼或營業名稱, 可搜尋有關的持牌人在過去三年內的紀律處分紀錄(如有的話)。

  6. 欲親身或授權代表到監管局辦事處遞交申請的申請人,請於網上預約系統進行預約。 (2) 網上申請 (只適用於個人牌照) - 個人牌照的申請人可透過「電子服務」於網上遞交牌照申請。 有關詳情請按此。 牌照申請表格可於此網頁下載或於監管局辦事處 (地址: 香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心26樓2601室) 索取。 由於監管局會不時更新牌照申請表格的內容,故申請人須以最新的版本提出牌照申請,否則監管局可能需額外時間處理有關申請。 如申請人向監管局提供了電郵地址,監管局則可透過電郵通知申請人其牌照申請的進度。 申請人可於下列情況收到電郵通知: 在監管局收到牌照申請後; 在牌照申請獲批准後; 在寄出牌照予申請人後或牌照可於監管局辦事處領取時 (視乎申請人於牌照申請表註明以何種方式領取牌照)。 服務承諾.

  7. EAA Chairman Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP, delivers a welcome speech at the EAA’s 25th Anniversary ceremony. (From left) EAA Chief Executive Officer Ms Ruby HON, Secretary for Housing Ms Winnie HO Wing-yin, JP, EAA Chairman Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP, and EAA Vice-chairman Ms Jane Curzon LO, BBS, JP, officiate at the EAA’s 25th ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了