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  1. 2024年4月29日 · 渣甸街步行約1分鐘) 🏬【九龍】 尖沙咀厚福街3號華博商業大廈2樓206店地鐵B2出口。 (較多培育鑽石現貨) 🕚【營業時間】 星期一至六12:00-20:00 星期日及公眾假期12:30-19:30 whatsapp📲852-53451836 更多裸石可查看: https: ...

    • How Are Lab-Created Diamonds Made?
    • Lab Grown Diamond Benefits
    • What Colors Are available?

    Each laboratory-created diamond is grown by placing a diamond ‘seed’ into a chamber of heat and pressure. This chamber mimics the natural growing process. Crystallization occurs allowing the lab-grown diamond to mature within six to ten weeks. It is then cut, polished and graded by the same world-renowned labs that certify earth-mined diamonds. The...


    Our collection of lab-created diamonds are available up to IF in clarity, D in color, Ideal in cut, and up to 10 carats in size. They come in a variety of shapesincluding round, rose, emerald, cushion, oval, oval rose, heart, princess, trillion, and radiant. Colors include white, yellow, blue, pink, and green.


    Unlike other retailers, every Rooselle Jewelry lab-created diamond is Type IIa, the purest form of diamond. They are harder and more brilliant than Type Ia diamonds. Only 2% of earth-mined diamonds are of this quality. Furthermore, each diamond is graded and certified by the same leading independent gemological labs that are used to grade earth-mined diamonds.


    Lab-created diamonds cost up-to 40% less than their mined diamond equivalents. Buyers beware: keep an eye out for "grown diamonds" sold for a few hundred dollars per carat. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Only diamond simulantsfall in this price range.


    A pure carbon diamond with no impurities will grade as a colorless diamond. However, the majority of both mined and lab-created diamonds contain impurities, most of which are nitrogen. The nitrogen atoms within the diamond lattice create the yellow tint. In cases of fancy colored diamonds, a pure yellow color is created. Nearly all diamonds, both mined and lab-created, start out as yellow diamonds. Over the span of millions of years and exposure to pressure and heat, mined diamonds split the...


    Roselle Jewelry’s yellow lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to yellow earth-mined diamonds, but are offered free of conflict and on average 10% of the cost. They are available in a color range from fancy yellow to fancy vivid yellow, in sizes up to 2.0 carats and a variety of shapes. Both mined and lab-created yellow diamonds get their color from nitrogen. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of th...


    Blue lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to blue earth-mined diamonds and are offered free of conflict and about 10% of the cost. They are typically offered in sizes smaller than 1.50 carats and come in a color range of fancy light blue to fancy intense blue. Both mined and lab-created blue diamonds get their color from boron. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of these impurities, in this case bo...

  2. 2024年4月24日 · 渣甸街步行約1分鐘) 🏬【九龍】 尖沙咀厚福街3號華博商業大廈2樓206店地鐵B2出口。 (較多培育鑽石現貨) 🕚【營業時間】 星期一至六12:00-20:00 星期日及公眾假期12:30-19:30 whatsapp📲852-53451836 更多裸石可查看: https: ...

  3. 2019年10月26日 · 將整條項鍊湊眼前一顆顆珍珠挑戦瑕疵的做法並不正確。 akoya珍珠常見の瑕疵:小針目、小突起、表面生長紋。 完全に光潔な珍珠は非常に稀少で、最高品質のアコヤは一般に顆粒裸珠の形で出てきて、 品質の低いいくつかの才人が作った項鍊です。 品質が少し低い。 關於調色:

  4. 2019年10月26日 · 舉個例子,就如同一層層的磚塊疊加,磚塊排列整齊緊密,那這面牆就平整筆直而且結實,如果磚塊排列不整齊,那這面牆就會凹凸不平很不美觀。 如果珍珠層單層像這樣整齊緊密的結合在一起,那麼整個珍珠表面就會呈現完美光滑的狀態。 如果像這樣,那麼整個珍珠表面就會出現褶皺、波紋等不平滑的視覺觀感。 珍珠層的鑑定就是用這樣一台儀器進行。 將珍珠放在白色測試台中央,很快顯示屏上就會顯示出珠層厚度了,非常方便快捷。 圖為我在日本真珠綜合研究所學習時拍攝的照片。 測量珍珠層厚度的儀器. 許多消費者特別注重珠層厚度,然後大家應該記住的是,只要是天女,厚度都已經達到了日本珍珠行業的標準,即都為0.4mm以上。 珍珠層的厚度與價格也沒有必然的聯繫。 決定akoya珍珠價格的依然是表面的品質,而非單一的珠層厚度。

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  5. RZ®人造鑽石是獨家的配方合成寶石粉未混合一起, 再經過高壓壓縮, 使用高反射防熱材質加熱至高溫鎔化合成的原料晶體, 等待冷卻再經由利用高能超聲波進行化學蒸氣沉積處理處理以令其硬度接近天然鑽石。 RZ人造鑽石仍然為實驗性晶體實驗室合成生產,其後將會不斷改良配方以達至最佳狀態。 點擊下面的鏈接,將RZ®人造鑽石與我們實驗室培育或天然鑽石進行比較. 比較人造鑽石及鑽石. 價格和形狀. RZ®人造鑽石有多種形狀和卡數 (克拉)尺寸可供選擇。 每顆RZ®人造鑽石的價格僅為每卡 (克拉)688.00港元,分級為FL淨度,D顏色,並提供全面免費保修,使RZ®人造鑽石成為最美觀,最經濟的鑽石替代品。 您的設計師夢想戒指現在真正成為現實。

  6. 2024年4月29日 · 简体中文 Deutsch français 日本語 한국어 English русский 繁體中文

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