雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 安老院舍 相關

  2. 網上平台為長者提供不同安老方案及介紹各項資助申請,助你更輕鬆照顧長者! 詳細解釋院舍的不同收費及雜費,揀選院舍輕鬆又安心!


  1. 萬佛寺 (Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery)位於沙田,由5座廟宇,4座亭閣和1座寶塔組成。 寺中供奉超過12800座佛像,是名副其實的萬佛寺。

  2. Hong Kong Avenue of Stars is a 440m long promenade with over 100 plaques (hand imprint) of celebrities, opera-stars, scriptwriters and movie directors.

  3. Hong Kong popular Canto-Pop legend and movies star Anita Mui Yim Fong's statue on Avenue of Stars was unveiled in Tsim Sha Tsui.

  4. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Antique Street and Cat Street are a great place to look and shop around especially if you are looking for antiques, Mao/China memorabilia, knick-knacks and other curios.

  5. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Hong Kong Avenue of Comic Stars opens its gate at Kowloon Park to commemorate Hong Kong’s comic artists and comic characters on September 28th , 2012.

  6. 同朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterReddit. 尖沙咀鐘樓聳立在香港尖沙咀維港旁,是前九廣鐵路站的一部分,也是香港僅存的為數不多的幾個殖民時代的標誌之一,目前已經被列為香港的法定古蹟。尖沙咀鐘樓,尖沙咀,維港,鐵路,天星小輪,九廣,香港文化中心.

  7. 同朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterRedditTumblr. 荷李活道的文武廟建於1847年,是香港最古老的寺廟,供奉著文帝和武帝,是最受香港人歡迎的廟宇之一。廟宇坐落在高樓大廈之中,形成一道獨特的風景。.

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