雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Premier Elite provides an elevated experience that takes your everyday above and beyond. Join Premier Elite from now until 30 June 2024 to enjoy welcome rewards worth up to HKD86,300, including new funds offer, wealth offers, best-in-class health, dining, travel, and lifestyle benefits.

  2. HSBC HK. Insurance. Savings and retirement. HSBC Flourish Income Annuity Plan. Enjoy both flexibility and potential capital growth in your retirement. Choose to pay your premium over just a few years and receive annuity payments every month for up to 25 years or till the age 1 of 99.

  3. 盈達年金計劃(「盈達」、「您的計劃」或「您的保單」)是一份包含儲蓄成分的人壽保險計劃,其並非等同於或類似任何類型的存款。 盈達為您簡化儲蓄或退休規劃,旨在為處於不同人生階段的您提供長期穩定收入,更保障您和摯親以面對未來不能預見的事情。 盈達為您提供: 靈活性以滿足您不同階段的需要。 您可選擇於較短的儲蓄期後按月收取年金金額直到99歲^;您亦可暫緩收取年金金額,並將其累積於保單內積存生息,待將來根據您的需要提取。 人壽保障確保摯親未來的穩定生活。 按您預設的意願,在您不幸身故時,您的受益人可收取一筆過身故賠償,或按月收取年金期內餘下的年金金額。 預期盈虧平衡可最快於第8個保單年度*實現,既享有人壽保障,同時輕鬆賺取回報。 # 年金金額包括保證年金金額及非保證年金金額(如有)。

  4. 滙圖多元貨幣保險計劃 - HSBC Hong Kong

  5. A long-term savings insurance plan which offers flexibility in policy management with 9 currencies, allowing you adapt to your changing financial goals. HSBC HK. Insurance. Savings and retirement. Eminent Goal Multi-currency Insurance Plan. Open up to future possibilities with multi-currency insurance.

  6. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings. Beware of apps from sources other than your phone’s official app stores which may contain malware. From ...

  7. 2024年3月22日 · 作為一個制衡因素,預計聯儲局將透過降低名義政策利率來減少其貨幣政策的限制性,過往數據顯示較低的利率對盈利頗具推動作用。 此外,通脹放緩應有助維持企業利潤。 我們預期鴿派的言論將導致美元在現在的交易範圍內溫和走軟。 發生什麼事? 一如預期,聯儲局一致投票將聯邦基金利率維持在 5.25-5.5% 不變,是自 2023 年 7 月份連續第五次。 我們維持預期聯儲局將在 6 月份進行首次減息 0.25%,並預計 2024 年合共減息 0.75%,使聯邦基金利率目標降至 4.5-4.75% 區間。 我們預期 2025 年政策利率將再減 0.75%,使年底聯邦基金利率目標降至 3.75-4%。 較低政策與市場利率並不是美國股市持續反彈的必要先決條件。