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  1. 地址:京都府京都市東山區星野町87-5. 營業時間:8:00~18:00(不定休) 交通方式:京阪本線祇園四条站徒歩12分鐘. 官網: https://arabica.coffee/ 全球第一間坐在榻榻米上享用的星巴克「京都二寧坂YASAKA茶屋店」 2017年,在通往清水寺的二寧坂上,開了一家「最日本」的星巴克。 掀開入口的暖簾,走進屋齡超過百年的老屋,裡頭有不少穿著和服的旅客穿梭其間,頓時有種時光交錯之感;和煦的陽光從屋外灑落,坐在這裡享用咖啡,倍感舒適愜意。 2樓更設有榻榻米座位區,讓人們可以脫下鞋子,放鬆歇息。 這家保留傳統町家建築風格,同時融合些許現代感的「星巴克 京都二寧坂YASAKA茶屋店」,相信會為你帶來不同以往的咖啡體驗。 星巴克 京都二寧坂YASAKA茶屋店.

  2. 2017年12月4日 · Lake Shikotsu on a Clear-Bottomed Kayak in Hokkaido. Lake Shikotsu has been selected as the clearest lake in Japan for eight years running, and is one of the wonders of Hokkaido. Besides strolling the shores, you can get great shots by taking a twirl around the lake in a clear-bottomed kayak.

  3. 2018年4月20日 · Learning Japanese has been made easy and fun with the help of these four Instagram accounts for Japanese study. Everyone has different ways of learning the language, but anyone can benefit from integrating as much Japanese into their daily lives as possible. And what better way to learn than by scrolling through social media! Start with the Basics.

  4. 2016年6月27日 · 现在你就可以打开instagram,开始日语学习之旅。. 日语单词卡是一项特殊的instagram插件,每张词卡上有图示和日文单词,并以字母标注发音。. 词卡插件制作精美,并随时更新。. 比如现在正值夏季,词卡中添加了很多关于夏季和夏日节日的内容。. 详情请询下列 ...

  5. 伴隨著連接日本本島與北海道的青函隧道於1988年開通後,往返於東京上野與北海道札幌的臥鋪列車北斗星,不僅能讓乘客一邊搭車一邊欣賞沿途的風景,車內備有的浴室、廁所以及可完全平躺的臥鋪,更為從日本本州搭夜行列車到北海道帶來了一股風潮。. 1999年 ...

  6. 2017年12月4日 · As there are many cafés around Tokyo, it's hard to pick which to visit during your trip to Tokyo. Here are six cafés that you don’t want to miss for some great Instagram-worthy snapshots!

  7. 2021年1月18日 · SUS Gallery Aoyama is a new flagship retail shop that opened in December 2020. Designed by renowned architect Sou Fujimoto, the shop was designed not only to showcase products but also to educate consumers on the history and craftsmanship that goes into each piece. Floor-to-ceiling shelving along with a mirrored ceiling gives the illusion of a ...

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