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  1. 主頁. 投資. 結構性產品 - 分散投資以賺取更高回報 | Citibank Hong Kong. 盡握不同市況之投資機遇. 結構性產品是一種包含衍生工具的投資工具,其回報參考一個或多個相關參考的價格、價值及/或水平的變化而定。 它們助您分散投資及限制負面風險,而且賺取潛在收益及回報。 我們的結構化產品一覽: Citibank結構性產品是由股票、指數、外幣或利率作為基礎資產組成的混合型投資。 與標準存款相比,投資回報潛力較佳。 非常適合希望在資產類別、行業和地區進行分散投資的投資者。 請即致電投資服務熱線 (852) 2860 0222 或 親臨任何 Citibank 分行. 投資. 重點. 特點. 透過與不同資產或市場掛鈎作分散投資。 結構靈活性高,亦可根據您的投資策略度身訂做。

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  2. www1.citibank.com.hk › english › credit-cardsMerchant Instalment Plan

    The Merchant Installment Plan (the “Plan”) is a loan (the “Loan”) provided by the Company at its absolute discretion and is only applicable to the Cardholder / Cardmember at such merchants as may be designated and communicated by the Company from time to time (each a “Merchant”). In respect of each Transaction using the Plan (each ...

  3. 只要目標Set 好,我哋就會一步一步guide住您實現. 七大「您」想目標,無論想去轉旅行定買架新車,都Guide住您實現。. 您亦可以自訂您嘅財富目標。. 貼心嘅進度提示,要達成目標話咁易. 四個簡單步驟,輕鬆Set好目標. 更多資料 >. 重要聲明. 閣下應自行尋求有關 ...

  4. Structured product is an instrument embedded with derivative, under which the return is determined by reference to changes in the price, value and/or level of one or more underlying references. They are designed to help you diversify portfolios and limit downside risks. It benefits you by generating potential income and returns.

    • Citi Tower, One Bay East, 83 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
  5. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › credit-cards商戶分期計劃

    600+參與商戶任您揀. 產品/服務涵蓋多個類別,包括電器/電子、美容護膚、 健康生活、珠寶鐘錶等。 瀏覽所有參與商戶名單. 提提您. Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄? 唔洗等月尾statement喇,登入Citi Mobile® App幾時睇返都得啦! 尚未擁有Citi信用卡? 立即申請專享環球獎賞. 按此申請. 信用卡分期與一般零售消費類似,將於每月向 Citi 信用卡賬戶收取分期付款。 如在付款限期或之前,您支付/ 已支付的金額低於當前月結單或之前月結單上所示的月結單總結欠,則需支付一般的財務費用。 詳情請瀏覽Citibank.hk/mip. 商戶分期計劃之條款及細則. (Citi信用卡合約的第15條條款) 商戶分期計劃.

  6. Portfolio Finance allows you to meet your general liquidity needs and enhance your investing power by providing you with additional capital to seize investment opportunities as they happen. Borrow against a broad range of collaterals 3. Get additional capital of up to 90% of your initial investment holdings with us.

  7. Citibank網上理財 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。 - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及戶口同投資聲明等

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