雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. logoff-AMH-ZH - HSBC Hong Kong ... true

  3. 如你的子女未滿11歲 [@accounts-under-age-18] ,你可以以你的名義為子女開立滙豐兒童儲蓄戶口, 藉開戶為他們開啟理財教育之門. 每個月與子女一同檢視戶口結單 ,藉以向他們解釋基本理財概念如定期,提款、存款及利息等, 協助他們管理財富. 24/7掌握子女戶口動態 ...

  4. Footnote link 3. , you can set up an HSBC Children Savings Account in your name for your children and kick-start their financial education with this account. Review monthly statements with your children, introducing them to essential banking aspects such as deposits, withdrawals, savings and interest, while helping them to manage their wealth.

  5. Manage your personal details online with HSBC Hong Kong. Log on with your username and password to update your profile, change your address, and more.

  6. 貸款申請表格. 遞交信用卡/扣賬卡申請證明文件. 遞交提高信用卡限額申請證明文件. 遞交貸款申請證明文件. 遞交「現金套現」分期計劃申請證明文件. 即時按揭評估. 物業估價. 表格及文件下載. 投資證券及貨幣兌換.

  7. Definitions. "Account" means the Super Ease Account. "Account Card" means any card in relation to the Account issued to the Customer by the Bank which may be used to effect banking transactions by electronic means, whether at automated teller machines, point of sale terminals or otherwise. "Bank" means The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking ...