雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 適當的照顧和個人化的支援,有助腦退化症人士在維持身心健康,繼續自主地好好生活。賽馬會耆智園為腦退化症人士提供「以人為本」的服務,按他們個別的需要和能力,從健腦、診斷至提供適合的照顧和訓練,提供周全的一站式服務可以改善他們的能力、減慢衰退。

  2. 賽馬會耆智園的成立,緣於一直推動長者福利的香港賽馬會,早於1997年看見香港腦退化症人士的需要,並預視全面及專業的護理服務對這群人士尤為殷切。. 故此,香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款資助耆智園的成立及首三年的營運,並邀請積極推動本港腦退化症 ...

  3. Our Story Philosophy of Care Our Journey Caring for the Dementia Community The Hong Kong Jockey Club has long supported the promotion of positive ageing. Back in 1997, the Club discerned a growing need for holistic and professional care for the elderly impaired by dementia and established the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (JCCPA).… Continue reading About Us

  4. 9:00am to 5:00pm (Except Public Holidays) Tel: 2636 6323. Fax: 2636 0323. Email: info@jccpa.org.hk. Hotline Service: 2333 2393. Transportation. First NGO in Hong Kong offering one-stop specialised care for people who have dementia. In addition to providing holistic care services and research, we also offer professional training for caregivers ...

  5. 社區照顧服務. 照顧者支援服務. 其他支援服務. 如懷疑自己或家人患有腦退化症或出現認知衰退的情況,應及早求醫及治療,此舉有助延緩衰退。 而照顧腦退化症人士是一項富挑戰性的工作,照顧者除需要對此病有充份認識外,更應善用社區資源,以紓緩照顧壓力。 以下的資訊有助尋找適當的服務及支援,亦可下載「社區資源」單張作參考。 下載. 診斷及評估途徑. 如果家人的記性、性格、習慣、行為出現明顯的轉變,如經常遺失個人物品、表達及理解有困難、對時間及人物混亂、失去主動性、突然變得冷漠等,他們有可能患上腦退化症,應盡速尋求醫生的診斷,可聯絡: 私人執業醫生. 賽馬會耆智園的記憶診所. 其他非政府機構的記憶診所. 部份政府醫院設有記憶診所/老人科/老齡精神科診斷服務。 應診者必須具備醫生轉介信。

  6. Address: 27 A Kung Kok Street, Shatin, N.T. Office Hour: Monday to Friday. 9:00am to 5:00pm. (Except Public Holidays) Tel: 2636 6323. Fax: 2636 0323. Email: info@jccpa.org.hk. Hotline Service: 2333 2393. 【Getting Here】Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing. Watch on. By Bus (Stop at Shatin Hospital) By Minibus (Stop at Shatin Hospital) By Car.

  7. Core Services. Every person with dementia has his/her own story. The JCCPA team pays attention to the background, mental state, needs and capabilities of each individual. We deliver tailored services and care with a person-centred care approach, in the hope of helping those with dementia to enhance their capabilities and slow down degeneration ...

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