雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 你想知道你的物業或心儀的樓盤的市場價值嗎?恒生網上物業估值讓你輕鬆搜尋香港各區的物業地址,並提供即時的物業估價服務。你只需輸入物業地址,即可獲得最新的物業估值結果,並可預約按揭顧問,享受專業和度身訂造的按揭方案。立即試用恒生網上物業估值,為你的置業計劃作好準備。

  2. 網上黃金交易. 透過恒生個人e-Banking,即時獲取最新黃金價格,掌握金價走勢,輕鬆於網上交易紙黃金。 登入並開始兌換 1. 截至 10/05/2024 21:55 香港時間. 實物黃金價格 3, 4. 恒生提供最新實金買賣價格,包括恒生千足金條、九九九九金條及九九金條、多款財神金牌和鴻運金幣等實物黃金產品可供選擇。 截至 10/05/2024 21:55 香港時間. 更新恒生紙金粒戶口及恒生黃金結單計劃的銷售文件之通知. 最新買賣實體黃金服務分行表列. 致電客戶服務熱線. (852) 2822 0228. 親臨恒生分行. 尋找附近的恒生分行. 以電郵聯絡我們. 留言給我們. 註腳. 其他注意事項. 以上資料僅供參考。 只適用於黃金結單 / 紙金粒.

  3. Offer the latest price of online gold trading and physical gold products for your gold investment needs. Personal. Banking. Reference Rates. Gold Prices. Hang Seng FX and Precious Metal Margin Trading Services can leverage your capital up to 15 times, investment amount as low as HKD25,000. Investment involves risks.

  4. Hang Seng Bank offers a wide array of financial services including online banking, savings, investment, credit cards, loans, mortgages, insurance, and MPF.

  5. 進入買樓流程及按揭申請. 當完成初步評估及確認房屋價格後,你就算是正式進入買樓流程,可以著手準備財務材料及合約,開始申請按揭貸款。 臨時買賣合約及臨時訂金: 當確定買入心儀物業後,你需要簽訂臨時買賣合約及繳交臨時訂金。 臨時訂金又稱為「細訂」,一般為樓價之3%-5% 委託律師行: 在簽署臨時買賣合約後,律師會為你準備正式的買賣合約及樓契,並由律師行進行查冊。 如需要申請按揭,所委託的律師行必須為銀行認可律師樓,可向按揭顧問或經按揭熱線查詢銀行認可律師樓名單. 申請按揭: 首次置業的新手買家大多尋求較高按揭成數的產品,例如「按揭保險計劃」讓你以較低首期達成上車置業夢想。 經恒生申請按揭流程簡單,於網上提供簡單聯絡資料,便有專責按揭顧問於24小時內 (非辦公時間除外)為你提供按揭方案及初步評估。

  6. e-Valuation. Instant Valuation. Mortgage Calculator. Quick Apply. Document Upload. Estate / Building Search. Address Search. For property which is not shown in the selection list, please fill in the simple form , our staff will contact you at your preferred time. Address search.

  7. Watch Now. Hang Seng SME Trade Loan tenor up to 90 days. How could we make a difference for you with Import Collection Bills? Availability of finance. You can enjoy Import Finance by which we will extend an import loan to you for settlement of a bill drawn under Documentary Collection.

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