雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MACAU. Beyond Organic Spa & Farm the Organic Spa is one of the only shops in Hong Kong to offer premium organic skin care, body care, hair & cosmetic treatments.

  2. Mandarin Spa at Mandarin Oriental has been awarded five stars by the prestigious Forbes Travel Guide and offers body massage, facial, foot and hand treatments.

  3. MACAU. Plan your trip in Hong Kong with our tips or enjoy a Guided Walking Tour with our insiders.

  4. MACAU. Hong Kong 7-11 will offer the limited Rilakkuma Forest Collection from 28th of March to 15th of May, 7-11. There are 7 different plushes of the Forrest Collection and you can redeem them upon the purchase certain amount from 7-11.

  5. Search for: 同朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterRedditTumblr. 維多利亞港是香港必游景點,除了海港和兩岸的摩天大廈,臨近的還有星光大道,天星小輪,幻彩詠香江等。尖沙咀還是名牌的聚集地,再不然就到海港城shopping一番。.

  6. 浅水湾和赤柱. Search for: 和朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterRedditTumblr. 香港浅水湾是香港的高档住宅区,城中富豪都在这里置业。例如香港首富李嘉诚。浅水湾以其广阔宁静的海滩和稳定的水质而闻名。附近的天后庙和赤柱市集也是香港的热门景点之一。.

  7. 如果你只有一天的時間在香港停留,不妨跟隨我們香港一日遊的攻略,緊湊安排時間,遊覽香港最重要的景點。

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