雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年3月29日 · 日光星の宿距離日光當地最知名景點「日光東照宮」步行僅需 13 分鐘,至神橋也僅需要 5 分鐘路程,附近即是聚集眾多餐廳及商店的日光主要街道,生活機能便利,以其絕佳的地理位置廣受觀光客青睞。飯店共設有 21 間山景客房,其中四間特別客房更設有按摩椅、空氣清淨器及浴缸,一般雙人房價 ...

  2. 「京都四条烏丸大和ROYNET飯店 (ダイワロイネットホテル京都四条烏丸)」位於京都市中心的三條烏丸區,離京都站僅5分鐘車程。客房分為可吸菸與禁菸房型,根據房型也提供有加床服務。房內備品齊全,免費網絡、吹風機、帶空氣淨化器功能的加濕,標準雙人房價位約在每人6,500日幣左右。

  3. 眾所周知,種植水稻的技術發源於長江流域,後來擴散到東南亞和日本。每年年初,熱帶季風產生於印度洋,季風帶著濕潤的空氣進入印度和中南半島,然後吹入中國的江南,在6月終於到達日本。 季風為經過的地區帶來充足的雨水,形成梅雨季節,充足的雨水和隨後的暑熱為水稻的生長創造了良好 ...

  4. 膠囊供單人使用,出入口用門或窗簾隔開(日本法律規定門上不設鑰匙)。膠囊內多備有空調開關和電源插座,有些還提供小型電視和空氣加濕。膠囊裡沒有廁所和浴室,大多數飯店的廁所設在各層的邊緣位置,公共浴室則在建築物內(不一定是自己留宿的樓層)。

  5. 2019年10月24日 · That all changes with the brilliant, eco-friendly humidifier, Mast. With its billowing sails of thinly cut wood on top of an equally elegant wooden boat, this humidifier from the Ryoki Ohashi collection can be display proudly on any surface. Best of all, its defining feature is something we can all get behind: it needs no electricity to function!

  6. 2016年11月30日 · Ichinoyu Shinkan is a ryokan built on serene, high ground surrounded by greenery. It's located near Hakone-Yumoto Station, which is famous as a sightseeing spot, with many souvenir and anime shops to stroll by. Experience the gentle, alkaline water brought up from an exclusive spring to private baths attached to the guest rooms.

  7. 2018年8月24日 · Tensyo-no-Yu. At this public bath-style onsen, you can enjoy natural hot spring water originating from 1,000 meters (3,281 ft) underground. Rich in sodium ad calcium ions, the water here is popularly known as “water for beauties.”. There are open-air baths and a sauna as well. Properly pronounced "Tensho."