雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Premier is delighted to offer a wide range of financial services and global supports for global education, including HSBC Premier Academy, summer camps in the University of Oxford and Imperial College London in the UK, a spectrum of local summer programmes under HSBC Summer Summit for Next Gen and the first-in-town Chief Education Officer; ...

  2. 專為香港滙豐信用卡而設,多種功能令您隨時隨地睇盡最紅優惠、管理各項簽賬交易、以「獎賞錢」繳付任何商戶交易,甚至與好友分享「獎賞錢」同餐廳訂座都得。 了解更多. 滙豐「八達通自動增值」服務. 登記使用香港滙豐信用卡為您的八達通靈活增值,可以選擇自動增值港幣250元或港幣500元,每次增值同時更可賺取「獎賞錢」回贈。 成功申請自動增值服務可享額外港幣50元簽賬回贈。 了解更多. 致電 2748 8033 瀏覽 www.hsbc.com.hk/credit-cards. 須受推廣 條款及細則 約束。

  3. 滙豐 | 滙豐One x T1 《League of One》 party | 滙豐香港. 立即透過HSBC HK App 5分鐘極速開立滙豐One戶口 5 ,贏取滙豐One x T1《League of One》party獨家門票,兼賞你價值高達港幣4,588元開戶獎賞 2. 登記參加抽獎. 滙豐One相信要做世一,就要敢去挑戰,放膽做自己,legend就係你! 為咗鼓勵大家,滙豐One破天荒聯乘LoL世界級電競隊T1,希望透過佢哋嗰份無限熱誠,堅定信念,去感染每個不跟平凡嘅你。

  4. Open an HSBC One account in just 5 minutes in the HSBC HK App 5. You’ll get a chance to win exclusive tickets to HSBC One x T1《League of One》party, and get a reward up to HKD4,588. HSBC One believes if you want be world no. 1, you have to challenge yourself. Be bold. Be yourself. Be the legend that you are. That’s why we’re teaming up ...

  5. Jason希望為子女安排最好的教育,讓孩子從小有一個好開始,甚至為他們建立海外升學教育基金,讓他們將來有更廣闊的國際視野,開拓事業發展前景。 近期Jason聽到一位中學同學Mark的壞消息。 Mark不幸被確診患上肺癌,因以往工作繁忙,沒有安排個人的醫療保險。 雖然公司有醫療保障,但不足以應付龐大的醫療開支。 由於要接受治療,Mark不能繼續工作而導致家庭面對財政困境,從而影響了家人情緒。 Jason 想到自己是家中經濟支柱,若不幸患上危疾影響工作,將為家庭帶來沉重經濟負擔。 Jason不希望同樣情況會發生在自己家庭,所以需要為自己建立保障,以應對癌症這一類需要長時間治療、休養,亦有機會復發甚至擴散的危疾。 如不幸患上癌症,按一般估算需要約5年時間醫治及康復。

  6. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › promo › student-credit-cardHSBC Student Credit Card

    HSBC Student Credit Card. From now until 1 March 2021, designated full-time Universities / Tertiary Institutions students 1 who successfully apply for the HSBC Visa Gold Card for Students can enjoy a perpetually waived annual fee. And upon spending HK$2,000 or more in the first 60 days of the card issuance, you can enjoy a $300 RewardCash ...

  7. Among middle-class parents who intend to purchase a property for their children, 1 in 4 plan to buy it for them at or before the age of 18. Will wealth span three generations? 54% are factoring in their grandchildren’s financial futures. While the intent for legacy planning is high, only 25% have begun.

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